Get detailed information about a source
Get detailed information about a source
Retrieving information about a specific source can be useful in many scenarios. You could want to inspect source mappings, its current number of items, its total size, its pre- and post-conversion indexing pipeline extension scripts, and more.
Use the Get a single source operation to get detailed information about an individual source in a Coveo organization.
Alternatively, you can get this information on the Sources (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page of the Coveo Administration Console.
Leading practice
When you want to monitor the current number of items in a source to validate the indexing status of pushed items, you should generally use the Get all sources operation instead. This lighter process allows you to retrieve the exact same information, the only difference being that the body of a successful response is an array where each element contains information about an individual source in the target Coveo organization, if not already done. This implies that you need to parse the response in order to retrieve the information that applies to the Push source you’re monitoring. Doing so is typically much faster than using the Get a single source operation to retrieve the pre-filtered information, though. |
Request template
GET<MyOrganizationId>/sources/<MySourceId> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <MyAccessToken>
In the request path:
with the ID of your Coveo organization. -
with the ID of the target source.
In the Authorization
HTTP header:
with an access token that grants the View access level on the Sources domain in your organization. See also Create an API key, and Get the privileges of an access token.
The body of a successful response (200 OK
) contains information about the target source.
Sample request
Getting information about a specific source
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer **********-****-****-****-************
Successful response - 200 OK
"sourceType": "PUSH",
"id": "mycoveocloudv2organizationg8tp8wu3-rp5rxzbdz753uhndklv2ztkfgy",
"name": "My Secured Push Source",
"owner": "",
"sourceVisibility": "SECURED",
"mappings": [
"id": "utezfdw7a26punr3fvf5a5kpze",
"kind": "COMMON",
"fieldName": "mypushsourceauthor",
"extractionMethod": "METADATA",
"content": "%[author]"
[ ... ]
"information": {
"sourceStatus": {
"type": "PUSH_READY",
"numberOfDocuments": 0,
"allowedOperations": [
"numberOfDocuments": 2,
"documentsTotalSize": 101353
"pushEnabled": true,
"onPremisesEnabled": false,
"securityProviderReferences": [
"My Secured Push Source Security Identity Provider"
"preConversionExtensions": [
"actionOnError": "SKIP_EXTENSION",
"condition": "%[filetype] == 'video'",
"extensionId": "mycoveocloudv2organizationg8tp8wu3-vfwwdfkmvv3aqnkrpt6vircldm",
"parameters": {}
"versionId": ""
[ ... ]
"postConversionExtensions": [
[ ... ]
"urlFilters": [
"filter": "*",
"includeFilter": true,
"filterType": "WILDCARD"
[ ... ]