Updating the Status of a Push Source

In this article

The status of a source should change as soon as a process begins retrieving content to be added, updated, and/or deleted in that source, and it should change again as soon as this process ends. The status changes of a source make up its basic activity logs, which can be seen from the Sources page in the Coveo Administration Console.

Standard connectors automatically update the status of their respective sources, but it’s your responsibility to update the status of your custom Push sources. Otherwise, those sources will always appear as Ready to receive content in the Coveo Administration Console.

When you start or finish performing a set of operations to update a Push source, you should update its status accordingly.

  1. Set the Push source to one of the active statuses (REBUILD, REFRESH, or INCREMENTAL) prior to retrieving new or updated content to be indexed in the source:

    Status name Corresponding status name in the Coveo Administration Console When to set the Push source to this status Typical resource cost
    REBUILD Rebuild You plan to re-index the entire content of the source, updating all previously indexed items in the process. High
    REFRESH Rescan You plan to scan the current content of the source, compare it with the content you intend to push, and only update new, modified, and/or deleted items in the source. Moderate
    INCREMENTAL Refresh You plan to use a feature of the indexed enterprise system to identify and push only the delta between the system in its present state and the current content of the source, without scanning the content of the source first. Low
  2. Set the status of the Push source back to IDLE when you’re done performing the Push API operations that forward the retrieved content update to your index.

Use the Set the status of a Push source operation to update the status of a specific Push source in a Coveo organization.

Request template

POST https://api.cloud.coveo.com/push/v1/organizations/<MyOrganizationId>/sources/<MySourceId>/status?statusType=<MyStatusType> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <MyAccessToken>

In the request path:

  • Replace <MyOrganizationId> with the ID of the target Coveo organization (see Retrieve the organization ID).

  • Replace <MySourceId> with the ID of the target Push source.

In the request query string:

  • Replace <MyStatusType> with the desired statusType value (that is, IDLE, INCREMENTAL, REBUILD, or REFRESH).

In the Authorization HTTP header:

  • Replace <MyAccessToken> with an access token that grants the Organization - View/Edit and Sources - View privileges in the target Coveo organization (see Add an API key).

A successful response (201 Created) has no content, but it signifies that the status of the target Push source has been updated.

Setting the status of a Push source to REFRESH

POST https://api.cloud.coveo.com/push/v1/organizations/mycoveocloudv2organizationg8tp8wu3/sources/mycoveocloudv2organizationg8tp8wu3-rp5rxzbdz753uhndklv2ztkfgy/status?statusType=REFRESH HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer **********-****-****-****-************

201 Created response body
