Using the compressedBinaryData Property
Using the compressedBinaryData Property
You can use the compressedBinaryData
property when you want to push 5 MB or less of uncompressed, or Deflate, GZip, LZMA, or ZLib compressed, then Base64 encoded binary or non-binary item data.
Using the compressedBinaryData Property When Pushing a Single Item
The following example shows how you can use the compressedBinaryData
property to specify item data when performing the PUT /sources/{sourceId}/documents
HTTP request.
When using the compressedBinaryData
property to push a single item, your query string should include the compressionType
parameter along with the compression algorithm that was applied on the data:
Those values are case sensitive. The default value is ZLIB
Sample request
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer **********-****-****-****-************
// ...Item metadata...
"compressedBinaryData": "ZUp5enlTakp6YkhqVWdBQ200elV4QlFvVXgrSm5aU2ZVZ2xoUWxRWjJybFdKT1lXNUtRQ1ZSa2lTUlRZaFdSa0Zpc0FVV0tlUWlwRWlaNk5mb0VkRjZlTlBzUVFvQTZRZFFETWhCOEU=",
"fileExtension": ".html",
// ...Item permission model (if applicable)...
Successful response - 202 Accepted
Using the compressedBinaryData Property When Uploading a Batch of Items
The following example shows how you can use the compressedBinaryData
property to specify item data when performing a PUT uploadUri
HTTP request.
When using the compressedBinaryData
property to push the data of an item in a batch, the document body this item should include the compressionType
property along with the compression algorithm that was applied on the data:
Those values are case sensitive.
The default value is "ZLIB"
Sample request
PUT[...] HTTP/1.1
x-amz-server-side-encryption: AES256
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
"AddOrUpdate": [
// ...Item metadata...
"documentId": "file://example.html",
"compressedBinaryData": "ZUp5enlTakp6YkhqVWdBQ200elV4QlFvVXgrSm5aU2ZVZ2xoUWxRWjJybFdKT1lXNUtRQ1ZSa2lTUlRZaFdSa0Zpc0FVV0tlUWlwRWlaNk5mb0VkRjZlTlBzUVFvQTZRZFFETWhCOEU=",
"compressionType": "DEFLATE",
"fileExtension": ".html",
// ...Item permission model (if applicable)...
// ...More items to add or update...
"delete": [
// ...Items to delete...
Successful response - 200 OK