Content retrieval methods

Some connectors can retrieve content using different methods, depending on where the data is located and how customers want Coveo to retrieve it. There can therefore be several methods for the same content type. As a result, the Add a source of content panel has tabs allowing you to browse sources by content retrieval method:

Content retrieval options | Coveo
  • If the content to retrieve is stored by a cloud-based service, click Cloud.

  • If the content to retrieve is stored on an on-premises server, click On-Premises.

  • If you must push on-premises content to your organization via the Crawling Module, click Crawling Module. To make your source operational, you’ll need to install the Crawling Module on a server that has access to the desired content.

  • If you must push on-premises content to your organization using calls to the Coveo Push API or if you want to push catalog content to Coveo, click Push.

Unavailable source in Coveo If the desired source is unavailable, your license doesn’t include it. Contact Coveo to upgrade your license.

See the Connector directory for a list of the available connectors and their content retrieval methods.