Document Object Python API Reference

Creating an indexing pipeline extension (IPE) implies writing Python code that uses the document object to manipulate item properties (see Creating an Indexing Pipeline Extension With the API and Coveo Indexing Pipeline).

This article provides reference information describing the object methods and their parameters. You may also want to read about the versions of the Indexing Pipeline Extensions API, especially if your organization has dictionary fields.


This method displays a message and its severity in the current Log Browser (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) entry. It’s useful when debugging.

Leading practice

Always use the log method when you want to monitor something in an IPE.


log(message, severity)

log Parameters

The following table shows the log method parameters:

Parameter Type Description


Required: string

The message that you want to log when applying an extension script.



Optionally used to indicate the message severity type.

Default value is Normal.

The allowed case insensitive severity values are:

  • Debug

  • Detail

  • Error

  • Fatal

  • Important

  • Normal

  • Notification

  • Warning

log Examples

log("Hello world!", "Notification")
fulltitle = document.get_meta_data_value('titleselection', 'crawler', True)

try: 1
    # modifying fulltitle variable
    fulltitle = fulltitle[0]

    # logging a meaningful success message
    log('added metadata value to title: ' + fulltitle)

# catching all exceptions and logging them as a string for debugging purposes
except Exception as e: 2
    log(str(e), 'Error')

This script example uses the log method in two different ways.

  1. First, the try block modifies the metadata and logs a success message only when the script runs without raising an error. In this particular case, the second argument is missing as the default value Normal defines the log message severity.

  2. When the try block fails, the except block catches the exception and sends a log containing the error message:


Applying an extension populates the documentLogEntries.meta.logs field that contains all log messages and severity type strings. This field length is limited to approximately 4K characters, after which the content is truncated. When the added length of many log messages exceeds the limit, it’s still possible to view all the messages that fits within the limit but the log message that sits on the limit is replaced with a truncated... mention as the following messages are ignored.

For example, when a very long string exceeds the 4K limit, even if it represents the one and only log that applies to your extension, the whole string is replaced with the truncated... mention. The log message generated by an extension script can be seen in an added subsection of the JSON response named documentLogEntries.meta.logs as well as in the Log Browser.

  "documentLogEntries": [
      "id": "",
      "organizationId": "myorganization",
      "sourceId": "qqotfbbttohttrnva4ebwykbe4-myorganization",
      "resourceId": "myorganization-tb5qadfyqqv2mrdtn2gde5kcpi",
      "task": "EXTENSION",
      "operation": "ADD",
      "result": "COMPLETED",
      "datetime": "2017-08-17T13:01:36.852Z",
      "requestId": "976520a8-f569-45d9-b252-48e6aea544d5",
      "meta": {
        "duration": "0.0559999",
        "logs": "truncated..."


You use this method to get the item URI.



You can easily output an item uri in the Log Browser by adding those lines in your extension:

my_variable = document.uri

Get All Metadata

You use this method to get all item metadata. It returns a list of MetaDataValue objects (see Document Object JSON Schema).



Because unmapped metadata isn’t indexed, using this method makes all metadata available before the final indexing step. The following extension script makes it possible to consult a list of all custom metadata:

import json
document.add_meta_data({'allmetadatavalues': json.dumps(document.get_meta_data())})

You must map the allmetadatavalues metadata to a field so that you don’t lose the populated values while indexing the item.

Get a Metadata Value

You use this method to get a metadata value for a given metadata name and origin.


This method returns a list of values. If there’s only one metadata value, this list will contain a single element.


document.get_meta_data_value(name, origin, reverse)

get_meta_data_value Parameters

The following table shows the get_meta_data_value method parameters:

Parameter Type Description


Required: string

The name of the metadata to retrieve.



The unique identifier of the Coveo indexing pipeline step from which to retrieve a metadata value.

The allowed origin values are as follows:

  • crawler: The metadata value set during the crawling stage

  • Pre-conversion script name - The metadata value set during a specific pre-conversion script

  • converter: The metadata value set during the processing stage

  • mapping: The metadata value set during the mapping stage

  • Post-conversion script name - The metadata value set during a specific post-conversion script


If no value is supplied for this parameter, the most recent origin is used. For example, the origin would be crawler in pre-conversion and mapping in post-conversion.



Whether to scan the metadata origin in reverse order or not. The default value is True, meaning that the value is fetched from the latest indexing pipeline stage with a non-empty value.

get_meta_data_value Example

# Get original title from the crawling module in a log message
original_title = document.get_meta_data_value('title', 'crawler')  # Remember, this method returns a list
log(original_title[0], 'Normal')

Add Metadata

You use this method to add an item metadata key and its associated value. You can also use it to unset or override item metadata.


For all sources except push sources, if you add metadata before the mapping stage, you must map the metadata to a field for it to be indexed.

For example, if you add metadata in a post-conversion extension script, the metadata is only indexed when the index contains a field whose name matches the metadata key.


document.add_meta_data({metadataKey: metadataValue})

Use an array to specify values for a multi-value field:

document.add_meta_data({"language": ["en", "fr"]})

Because unmapped metadata isn’t indexed, using this method makes all metadata available before the final indexing step. The following extension script makes it possible to consult a list of all custom metadata:

import json
document.add_meta_data({'allmetadatavalues': json.dumps(document.get_meta_data())})

You must map the allmetadatavalues metadata to a field so that you don’t lose the populated values while indexing the item.

add_meta_data Example

# Unsetting the author metadata value
document.add_meta_data({'Author': ''})

Get All Permissions

You use this method to get all item permissions. It returns a list of PermissionLevel objects:

  "PermissionSets": [
      "AllowAnonymous": false,
      "DeniedPermissions": [],
      "Name": "",
      "AllowedPermissions": []
  "Name": ""
  "PermissionSets": [
      "AllowAnonymous": false,
      "DeniedPermissions": [],
      "Name": "View All Data Members",
      "AllowedPermissions": [
          "SecurityProvider": "SALESFORCE-00Df40000000SAbEAM",
          "IdentityType": "virtualgroup",
          "Identity": "ViewAll:Irrelevant:",
          "AdditionalInfo": {}
          "SecurityProvider": "SALESFORCE-00Df40000000SAbEAM",
          "IdentityType": "virtualgroup",
          "Identity": "ObjectAccess:ViewAllRecordsProfiles:Solution",
          "AdditionalInfo": {}
          "SecurityProvider": "SALESFORCE-00Df40000000SAbEAM",
          "IdentityType": "virtualgroup",
          "Identity": "ObjectAccess:ViewAllRecordsPermissionSets:Solution",
          "AdditionalInfo": {}
  "Name": "View All Data"
  "PermissionSets": [
      "AllowAnonymous": false,
      "DeniedPermissions": [],
      "Name":"Read access members",
      "AllowedPermissions": [
          "SecurityProvider": "SALESFORCE-00Df40000000SAbEAM",
          "IdentityType": "virtualgroup",
          "Identity": "ObjectAccess:ReadRecordsProfiles:Solution",
          "AdditionalInfo": {}
          "SecurityProvider": "SALESFORCE-00Df40000000SAbEAM",
          "IdentityType": "virtualgroup",
          "Identity": "ObjectAccess:ReadRecordsPermissionSets:Solution",
          "AdditionalInfo": {}
  "Name": "Read Access & Sharing"



get_permissions Example

# Get item permissions in a log message
import json
my_permissions = json.dumps(document.get_permissions())

Clear All Permissions

You use this method to clear all item permissions.


Be careful when using the clear_permissions method. It could allow any user to access potentially sensitive information from originally secured items.



Add Allowed Permission

You use this method to add an allowed security identity.


document.add_allowed(identity, identity_type, security_provider, {additional_info})

add_allowed Parameters

The following table shows the add_allowed method parameters:

Parameter Type Description


Required: string

The allowed security identity name to add.


Required: string

Allowed values are:

  • user

    An individual user.

  • group

    A group, which can have users or other groups/virtual groups as members.

  • virtualgroup

    A virtual group, which is a group that doesn’t exist in the indexed secured enterprise system.

  • unknown

    An entity that doesn’t fit any of the aforementioned types.


Required: string

The name of the security identity provider.

Sample value: 'Email Security Provider'


dictionary of string

A collection of key value pairs that can be used to uniquely identify the security identity.

add_allowed Example

# Allowing access to all users logging in with Coveo account
document.add_allowed('*', 'user', 'Email Security Provider', {})

Add Denied Permission

You use this method to add a denied security identity.


document.add_denied(identity, identity_type, security_provider, {additional_info})

add_denied Parameters

The following table shows the add_denied method parameters:

Parameter Type Description


Required: string

The denied security identity name to add.


Required: string

Allowed values are:

  • user

    An individual user.

  • group

    A group, which can have users or other groups/virtual groups as members.

  • virtualgroup

    A virtual group, which is a group that doesn’t exist in the indexed secured enterprise system.

  • unknown

    An entity that doesn’t fit any of the aforementioned types.


Required: string

The name of the security identity provider.

Sample value: 'Email Security Provider'


dictionary of string

A collection of key value pairs that can be used to uniquely identify the security identity.

add_denied Example

# Denying access to all users logging in with hotmail account
document.add_denied('*', 'user', 'Email Security Provider', {})

Set Permissions

You use this method to set item permissions. To set permissions, you must define at least one permission level, one permission set, and one permission.




The following table shows the permission level parameters:

Parameter Type Description



The name of the permission level.


Array of PermissionSet

Array of permission sets


The following table shows the permission set parameters:

Parameter Type Description


Required: String

The name of the permission set.


Required: Boolean

Whether to allow anonymous access.


Array of Permission

Array of allowed permissions


Array of Permission

Array of denied permissions


The following table shows the permission parameters:

Parameter Type Description


Required: string

The name of the security identity.

Sample value: '*' to allow access to all users logging in with Coveo email.


Required: string

Allowed values are:

  • user

    An individual user.

  • group

    A group, which can have users or other groups/virtual groups as members.

  • virtualgroup

    A virtual group, which is a group that doesn’t exist in the indexed secured enterprise system.

  • unknown

    An entity that doesn’t fit any of the aforementioned types.


Required: string

The name of the security identity provider.

Sample value: 'Email Security Provider'


dictionary of string

A collection of key value pairs that can be used to uniquely identify the security identity.

set_permissions Example

The complexity of the permission model can range from allowing full anonymous access to requiring the resolution of permissions for several permission levels, each containing one or more permissions sets.

import json

# defining security levels
# top_level allows and denies Accountants
top_level = document.PermissionLevel('CEO', [document.PermissionSet('TopSet', False,
    [document.Permission('', 'user', 'Email Security Provider')],
    [document.Permission('Accountants', 'group', 'Email Security Provider')])])

# lower_level allows myGroup1 and denies myGroup2 and myGroup3
lower_level = document.PermissionLevel('Employees', [document.PermissionSet('LowerSet', False,
    [document.Permission('myGroup1', 'group', 'Email Security Provider')],
    [document.Permission('myGroup2', 'group', 'Email Security Provider'),
    document.Permission('myGroup3', 'group', 'Email Security Provider')])])

# Set item permission levels
document.set_permissions([top_level, lower_level])

# Get item permissions in a log message
my_permissions = json.dumps(document.get_permissions())

Get All Data Streams

You can use this method to get access to item data streams in cases where you need to read or modify these streams.

This method returns a list of ReadOnlyDataStream objects. Each of these is a BytesIO value, which is a stream of in-memory bytes (see Python Buffered Streams).

    <extension_runner.ApiV1.ReadOnlyDataStream object at 0x7f88fc0665d0>,
    <extension_runner.ApiV1.ReadOnlyDataStream object at 0x7f88fc0662d0>,
    <extension_runner.ApiV1.ReadOnlyDataStream object at 0x7f88fc066590>



get_data_streams Example

  1. In the Edit an extension window, you must select at least one of the checkbox associated with each item data in order for the get_data_streams() method to return something.


    A user must specify that their extension requires access to an item binary data in order for the data to be downloaded and passed along to the extension runner.

    To optimize indexing performance, you should only access a data stream when necessary.

  2. Use the get_data_streams() method in your Python extension script.

    body = document.get_data_streams()
    # body is now a list of `ReadOnlyDataStream` objects which are accessible data streams
    # body[1] is the `ReadOnlyDataStream` object corresponding to `body_html`

    The preceding code has visible effects in the Log Browser:

    get data streams example

Get a Data Stream

You use this method to get a data stream for a given name and origin.

This method returns a single ReadOnlyDataStream object. This is a BytesIO value, which is a stream of in-memory bytes (see Python Buffered Streams).


For Web and Sitemap type sources, we recommend that you use the web scraping feature rather than extensions to do common HTML content processing such as excluding sections and extracting metadata (see Web scraping configuration).


document.get_data_stream(name, origin, reverse)

get_data_stream Parameters

The following table shows the get_data_stream method parameters:

Parameter Type Description


Required: string

The available item data streams are:

  • documentdata

    The complete item binary content extracted by the Crawling stage of the indexing pipeline (see Coveo Indexing Pipeline).


    The documentdata of a PDF file is the actual (binary) PDF file.

    The documentdata of a web page is the page (binary) HTML markup.

    You may want to retrieve an item documentdata in a pre-conversion extension to modify the original item content.


    You want to extract the text content from scanned items that are saved as image files. You use a pre-conversion extension to send each image documentdata to a third party optical character recognition (OCR) service. You save the returned text back in the documentdata so that the Processing stage can prepare the text content for the Indexing stage.

    Getting the documentdata can significantly degrade indexing performances because each item binary data has to be fetched, decompressed, and decrypted.

    There’s generally no point to get and modify the documentdata in a post-conversion extension because the Indexing stage doesn’t process it.


    In the Coveo Administration Console Add/Edit an Extension panel, the documentdata is referred to as the Original file.

  • body_text

    The complete textual content of an item extracted by the converter in the Processing stage of the indexing pipeline (see Coveo Indexing Pipeline).

    You can get the body_text of each item in a post-conversion extensions for rare cases where you want to access and possibly modify the item text content.

    There’s no point in getting and modifying the body_text in a pre-conversion extension because the Processing stage would overwrite it.


    For index size and performance optimization, the body_text is limited in size to 10 MB. This means that for rare items with larger body_text, the exceeding text won’t be indexed, and therefore not searchable.

  • body_html

    The complete HTML representation of an item created by the converter in the Processing stage of the indexing pipeline (see Coveo Indexing Pipeline). The body_html appears in the Quickview of a search result item.

    You can get the body_html of each item in a post-conversion extension for cases where you want to access and possibly modify the item text content.


    Your source indexes a question and answer website. Each question and each answer is indexed as a separate item even if they can come from the same HTML page. Your indexed items don’t have the <head> elements from the original HTML page and therefore are missing resources such as CSS. Consequently, the Quickview for these items doesn’t look good.

    You get the body_html in an extension and inject the appropriate <head> elements.

    There’s no point in getting and modifying the body_html in a pre-conversion extension because the Processing stage would overwrite it.

    • When you can define your desired body_html content as a static HTML markup containing metadata placeholders, it’s generally simpler to use a mapping on the body field.

    • For index size and performance optimization, the body_html is limited in size to 10 MB. This means that the Quickview of items with a larger body_html will be truncated.

  • $thumbnail$

    The thumbnail image created by the converter in the Processing stage of the indexing pipeline for specific file types ( Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Visio as well as many image file types such as JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, PSD, PNG…​ ).

    You can get the $thumbnail$ in a post-conversion extension in the rare cases where you want to modify the thumbnail or extract information from the thumbnail image. Your thumbnail image can have any size, resolution, or format (as long as a browser can display it), but you should stick to a normalized image size and resolution for most cases.


    If you want to create or overwrite a thumbnail, you don’t need to have already retrieved the $thumbnail$ data stream.



The unique identifier of the Coveo indexing pipeline step from which to retrieve a data stream.

The allowed origin values are as follows:

  • crawler: The metadata value set during the crawling stage

  • Pre-conversion script name - The metadata value set during a specific pre-conversion script

  • converter: The metadata value set during the processing stage

  • mapping: The metadata value set during the mapping stage

  • Post-conversion script name - The metadata value set during a specific post-conversion script

  • If no value is supplied for this parameter, the most recent origin is used. For example, the origin would be crawler in pre-conversion and mapping in post-conversion.

  • If you have two different post-conversion scripts that modify a stream, and you don’t specify the origin in the second script, the output of the first pre-conversion script will be used in the second post-conversion extension script, because it’s the most recent origin specified.



Whether to scan the metadata origin in reverse order or not. The default value is True, meaning that the value is fetched from the latest indexing pipeline stage with a non-empty value.

get_data_stream Examples

# Get document body text data stream to appear in a log message
# You must select the Body text checkbox because this indexing pipeline extension script needs to access it
my_data_stream = document.get_data_stream('body_text').read()
# Get decoded documentdata stream to appear in a log message
# You must select the Original file checkbox because this indexing pipeline extension script needs to access it
my_data_stream = document.get_data_stream('documentdata').read().decode()

DataStream Attribute Setter

You use this method to access and set a DataStream object for a given name and origin.

This method returns a single modifiable DataStream object. This is a BytesIO value, which is a stream of in-memory bytes (see Python Buffered Streams).

When applicable, the extension runner is responsible for writing the item binary data back after executing the script.


document.DataStream(name, origin, reverse)

The parameters are the same as those listed above for the get_meta_data method.

DataStream Example

# Override the item body text
text = document.DataStream('body_text')
text.write('This is a test')

Add Data Stream

You use this method to add or override an item data stream.



add_data_stream Example

# Import the requests library to perform API calls
import requests

extracted_text = [x.strip('\r\n\t') for x in document.get_data_stream('body_text', 'converter').readlines() if x.strip('\r\n\t')]

# Override item html with
html = document.DataStream('Body_HTML')

# Override the text with part of the original item
text = document.DataStream('body_text')
text.write('This is a test.')

# Override the thumbnail of the item with Coveo logo
thumbnail = document.DataStream('$thumbnail$')


Reject Item

You use this method to set the item state as rejected.



Document Object JSON Schema

The Document object can be represented with the following JSON schema:

  "$schema": "",
  "definitions": {
    "MetaDataValue": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "origin": {
          "type": "string"
        "values": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "key": {
              "type": "string"
            "value": {
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "string"
    "Permission": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "identity": {
          "type": "string"
        "identity_type": {
          "type": "string"
        "security_provider": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": ["user", "group", "virtualgroup", "unknown"]
        "additional_info": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "key": {
              "type": "string"
            "value": {
              "type": "string"
    "PermissionSet": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "type": "string"
        "allow_anonymous": {
          "type": "boolean"
        "allowed_permissions": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/Permission"
        "denied_permissions": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/Permission"
    "PermissionLevel": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "type": "string"
        "permission_sets": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/PermissionSet"
    "DataStream": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "type": "string"
        "origin": {
          "type": "string"
    "Document": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "uri": {
          "type": "string"
        "meta_data": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/MetaDataValue"
        "permissions": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/PermissionLevel"
        "data_streams": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/DataStream"

To consult a single item document object just before indexing time, using this script as the last executed post-conversion script populates a documentobject metadata.

import json
# Get document object JSON into a metadata
document_object = json.dumps(document)
document.add_meta_data({'documentobject': document_object})

You must map documentobject metadata to a field to index the content and consult the document object values.

The preceding extension script returns the document object JSON:

  "DataStream": [
      "Origin": "converter",
      "Name": "body_html"
      "Origin": "mypostconversionextension",
      "Name": "body_html"
      "Origin": "converter",
      "Name": "body_text"
      "Origin": "mypostconversionextension",
      "Name": "body_text"
      "Origin": "mypostconversionextension",
      "Name": "$thumbnail$"
      "Origin": "crawler",
      "Name": "documentdata"
  "Permissions": [
      "PermissionSets": [
          "AllowAnonymous": false,
          "DeniedPermissions": [],
          "Name": "",
          "AllowedPermissions": [
              "SecurityProvider": "Email Security Provider",
              "IdentityType": "user",
              "Identity": "*",
              "AdditionalInfo": {}
      "Name": ""
  "URI": "",
  "MetaData": [
      "Origin": "crawler",
      "Values": {
        "originaluri": [

             [ ... ]
        "permanentid": [
        "content-type": [
          "text/html; charset=utf-8"
      "Origin": "mypreconversionextension",
      "Values": {
        "title": [
          "Brand New Title"
      "Origin": "converter",
      "Values": {
        "conversionstate": [
        "detectedtitle": [
          "Example Domain"
        "language": [

            [ ... ]
        "originalhtmlcharset": [
        "extractedsize": [
      "Origin": "mapping",
      "Values": {
        "sourcetype": [
        "language": [
        "title": [
          "Example Domain"

             [ ... ]
        "date": [
        "permanentid": [
        "size": [
      "Origin": "mypostconversionextension",
      "Values": {
        "author": [
          "Coveo Documentation Team"