Create and retrieve data exports

The Coveo Usage Analytics (Coveo UA) Read API exposes /exports endpoints allowing you to manage data exports in an organization (see Exports API).

A typical situation in which you would want to use these endpoints is to create and manipulate data exports in your own application (that is, without going through the Coveo Administration Console). This article explains how to make requests to do so.


Data exports are usually managed through the Coveo Administration Console (see Manage data exports). This article is only relevant if you have a legitimate reason for managing data exports programmatically.

Usage overview

The following steps explain how to create, monitor, and download a data export.

Step 1: Create an export

Use the POST rest/v15/exports operation to create a data export (see Creating an export - query parameters).

Authenticate the request using an access token granting the Analytics - Data exports - Edit privilege in the target organization (see Manage API keys).

In the body of a successful response, retrieve and store the id property of your new data export.


Authorization: Bearer **********-****-****-****-************

201 Created response body

  "id": "9429fbb7-4217-47b8-8e25-8812ae6c31e5",
  "author": "",
  "downloadLink": "",
  "startDate": 1553198432348,
  "from": 1546318800000,
  "to": 1551416399999,
  "filters": {},
  "description": null,
  "size": 46153,
  "status": "PENDING",
  "tables": [
  "downloadable": true,
  "dimensions": [],
  "replayable": false,
  "usingDisplayNames": false,
  "scheduleId": null

In this example, the org query parameter isn’t included, since it’s extracted from the API key. If an OAuth2 token was used, the org query parameter would need to be included.

Step 2: Monitor the status of your export

The service needs to build the export before you can export it. To monitor the status of your export, use the GET rest/ua/v15/exports/{exportsId} operation. Ensure that the redirect query parameter is set to false (see redirect (boolean)).

Authenticate the request using an access token granting the Analytics - Data exports - View privilege in the target organization (see Manage API Keys).

In the body of a successful response, retrieve the status property of your new data export.


Authorization: Bearer **********-****-****-****-************

200 OK response body

  "id": "9429fbb7-4217-47b8-8e25-8812ae6c31e5",
  "author": "",
  "downloadLink": "",
  "startDate": 1553198432348,
  "from": 1546318800000,
  "to": 1551416399999,
  "filters": {},
  "description": null,
  "size": 46153,
  "status": "AVAILABLE",
  "tables": [
  "downloadable": true,
  "dimensions": [],
  "replayable": false,
  "usingDisplayNames": false,
  "scheduleId": null

Step 3: Download the export

When the status parameter of your report is AVAILABLE, you can retrieve the export itself. Use the GET rest/v15/exports/{exportsId} operation, setting the redirect parameter to true (see redirect (boolean)).

Authenticate the request using an access token granting the Analytics - Data exports - View privilege in the target organization (see Manage API Keys).


The following request retrieves a data export, that is, a CSV file:


Authorization: Bearer **********-****-****-****-************

Code sample

The following Python script implements a simplified client which completes the above steps and then additionally appends a c_eventType column to the requested tables, joins them into one, and orders them by visitId and datetime.

import requests                 # needs to be installed
import json
import time
from zipfile import ZipFile
from io import BytesIO
import pandas as pd             # needs to be installed

def create_export(token, from_date, to_date, org=None, file_name=None, d=None):
    """Creates an export
    :param token: An access token granting the Analytics - Data exports - Edit privilege in the target organization.
    :param from_date: The date to begin the export at (for example, "2019-03-12T14:20:20.266Z").
    :param to_date: The date to end the export at (for example, "2019-04-12T14:20:20.266Z").
    :param org: The organization ID; only required when authenticating with an OAuth2 token.
    :param file_name: The export name; defaults to the generated export ID.
    :param d: A description of the export.
    :return: The generated export ID.

    url = ""

    # define export
    querystring = {
        "from": from_date,
        "to": to_date

    if org:
        querystring["org"] = org
    if file_name:
        querystring["filename"] = file_name
    if d:
        querystring["d"] = d

    headers = {
        "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % token

    response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)

    response_json = json.loads(response.text)
        return response_json["id"]
        print("\nThere was an issue with your export creation request. Here is the response from the service:")
        print("    %s\n" % json.dumps(response_json))

def get_export(id, token, org=None):
    """Shows the information of an export
    :param id: The export ID.
    :param token: An access token granting the Analytics - Data exports - View privilege in the target organization.
    :param org: The organization ID; only required when authenticating with an OAuth2 token.
    :return: Information about the export in JSON format.

    # request to get export link
    url = "" % id

    querystring = {
        "redirect": "false"

    if org:
        querystring["org"] = org

    headers = {
        "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % token

    response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
    response_json = json.loads(response.text)

    return response_json

def download_export(link, token, org=None):
    """Downloads an export
    :param link: The export link. Contains the id and redirect parameter.
    :param token: An access token granting the Analytics - Data exports - View privilege in the target organization.
    :param org: The organization ID; only required when authenticating with an OAuth2 token.

    if org:
        link += "&org=%s" % org

    headers = {
        "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % token

    # get the export using the link which already contains the appropriate query parameters, and possibly the org
    data = requests.get(link, headers=headers, stream=True)

    z = ZipFile(BytesIO(data.content))


def join_tables():
    """Joins the clicks, searches, and custom_events tables in the current repository.

    # get click, search, and custom events
    data = [pd.read_csv(csv_file) for csv_file in ["clicks.csv", "searches.csv", "custom_events.csv"]]

    # add c_eventType column
    df = [pd.DataFrame(table) for table in data]
    df[0]["c_eventType"] = "Click"
    df[1]["c_eventType"] = "Search"
    df[2]["c_eventType"] = "Custom"

    # join DataFrames into one
    dfAllEvents = pd.concat(df, sort=True)
    # sort first by visitId and then by datetime
    dfAllEvents = dfAllEvents.sort_values(by=["visitId", "datetime"], ascending=True)
    # reset the index column
    dfAllEvents = dfAllEvents.reset_index(drop=True)
    # export to csv

if __name__ == "__main__":

    token = "**********-****-****-****-***********"
    from_date = "2018-06-01T05:00:00.000Z"
    to_date = "2019-03-01T04:59:59.999Z"
    org = None

    export_id = create_export(token, from_date, to_date, org=org)

    # initial time to wait in between queries when checking the status of the export
    waitInterval = 4
    timeCounter = waitInterval
    status = "PENDING"
    while status != "AVAILABLE":
        print("%s ... %s seconds" % (status, timeCounter))
        # exponential backoff, until 60 seconds
        waitInterval = 2 * waitInterval if waitInterval < 60 else waitInterval
        timeCounter += waitInterval
        export = get_export(export_id, token, org=org)
            status = export["status"]
            print("\nThere was an issue with your export get request. Here is the response from the service:")
            print("    %s\n" % json.dumps(export))

        download_export(export["downloadLink"], token, org=org)
        print("Export complete")
        print("\nThere was an issue when attempting to download your export.\n")




The Usage Analytics Read API relies on the bearer HTTP authentication scheme. All HTTP requests made to the Usage Analytics Read service must include an Authorization header with a valid access token (that is, an API key or OAuth2 token):

Authorization: Bearer <token>

To create a data export, the <token> must grant the Analytics - Data exports - Edit privilege in the target organization (see Create an API key). To retrieve an export, the Analytics - Data exports - View privilege is sufficient.


If a Usage Analytics Read API request is authenticated using an OAuth2 token, you need to specify a value for the org query parameter, as OAuth2 tokens are platform-wide and can therefore allow access to more than one Coveo organization. Otherwise, the org value is extracted from the API key.

org (string); the ID of the organization.

For example:


Creating an export - query parameters

When making a POST request to to create a data export, the following query parameters apply (see /v15/exports).

from (required, string)

The timestamp from which to begin the export. ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (see ISO 8601^).


to (required, string)

The timestamp at which to end the export. ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (see ISO 8601^).


f (string)

The filter to apply to all the event dimensions (analogous to the SQL WHERE command). If you send many f query parameters, the service joins them with the AND operator.

You can define an f argument with the Read filter syntax. You can also use preexisting named filters by preceding their id by the $ character.

  • $EXCLUDE_PAGEVIEW_BOTS AND (city IN ['Québec','Quebec'])

    where EXCLUDE_PAGEVIEW_BOTS is a preexisting named filter.

  • Alternatively, you can send several f query parameters. In other words, appending &f=$EXCLUDE_PAGEVIEW_BOTS AND (city IN ['Québec','Quebec']) to your query string is equivalent to appending &f=$EXCLUDE_PAGEVIEW_BOTS&f=(city IN ['Québec','Quebec']) to your query string.


You can retrieve the exhaustive list of named filters available in your organization by navigating to the Named Filters page of the Coveo Administration Console (see Manage named filters).

Alternatively, you can make a call to the filters/reporting endpoint (see List named filters).

fs (string)

The filter to apply to the search and click event dimensions (analogous to the SQL WHERE command). If you send many fs query parameters, the service joins them with the AND operator.

You can define an fs argument with the Read filter syntax. You can also use preexisting named filters by preceding their id by the $ character.

$NO_BLANK_QUERIES AND searchcausev2=='resultsSort'

where NO_BLANK_QUERIES is a preexisting named filter.


If you specify a condition on a custom event dimension in your fs filter, the events in the searches, clicks, keywords and groups tables are filtered based on their lastSearchId relationship with custom events meeting the filter. In other words, for an event to appear in one of those tables, its id/searchId must match the lastSearchId of a custom event which satisfies the filter.

fc (string)

The filter to apply to the custom event dimensions (analogous to the SQL WHERE command). If you send many fc query parameters, the service joins them with the AND operator.

You can define an fc argument with the Read filter syntax. You can also use preexisting named filters by preceding their id by the $ character.


If you specify a condition on a search or click event dimension in your fc filter, the events in the custom_events table are filtered based on their lastSearchId relationship with the search/click events meeting the filter. In other words, for an event to appear in the custom_events table, its lastSearchId must match the id/searchId of a search/click event which satisfies the filter.

filename (string)

A name for the export zip file. Default value is the export ID.


d (string)

A description for the export. Appears in the response body when retrieving the information of an export.

This is my data export.

dimensions (string)

The name of the dimension(s) to export. More precisely, the returnName when using the API, and the API Name when using the Administration Console. If none is provided, all dimensions are exported. To specify several dimensions values, send several dimensions query parameters.


To export only the originLevel1 and originLevel2 dimensions, append the following to your query string:


You can retrieve the exhaustive list of dimensions available in your organization by navigating to the Dimensions page of the Coveo Administration Console (see Manage dimensions on custom metadata).

Alternatively, you can make a request to the dimensions endpoint (see List dimensions).

tables (string)

The table(s) to export (see What’s the database schema of the different tables that I see when doing an export?). If none is provided, all tables are exported. To specify several tables values, send several tables query parameters.

Possible values are:

  • clicks

  • searches

  • custom_events

  • keywords

  • groups


The group names in the groups table refer to the Group search event dimension, that is, the userGroups values set when logging UA events (see userGroups and userGroups).


To export only the searches and clicks tables, append the following to your query string:


format (string)

The format of the generated CSV files. Possible values are:

  • EXCEL: within strings, " and \ characters are escaped by a " character.

  • NO_NEWLINE: no \n nor \r at the end of each line. Also, within strings, " and \ characters are escaped by a \ character.

Default value is EXCEL.


useDisplayNames (Boolean)

Whether to use the display names in the export table headers. When set to false, API names are used. You can compare the display and API names (see What’s the database schema of the different tables that I see when doing an export?).

Default value is false.

  • You set useDisplayNames to true. In the searches.csv file of your export, there’s a column titled User Name.

  • You then perform the same export, but you set useDisplayNames to false. In the searches.csv file of your export, that same column is now titled username.

Retrieving an export - query parameters

When making a GET request to{exportId} to retrieve a data export or its information, the following query parameters apply (see /v15/exports/{exportsId}).

exportId (required, string)

The unique identifier of the export.


redirect (Boolean)

Whether to return an HTTP redirect to the actual file. In other words, returns the export file itself when set to true, and returns information about the export when set to false.

Default value is false.
