Add named filters to reports

named filters are custom filters that refine search usage analytics data shown in each card, such as table and time series.

With the required privileges, you can create sets of named filters to save time during the creation of a report. Once created, named filters can be added or removed from reports. For more information on how filters can be applied and combined in reports, see Filter settings and limitations.

Access a report in Edit mode

  1. On the Reports (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page, click the report in which you want to add the named filters, and then click Open in the Action bar.

  2. Click Edit in the upper-right corner.


    Any changes made before accessing the Edit mode are kept. If you have any unwanted changes, remove them before saving the report.

Add named filters to a report

  1. Access a report in Edit mode.

  2. Click filter-add-2.

  3. Under Named Filters, select the set of filters that you want to apply to the report.


    Any combination of filters on the same dimension can’t exceed 75 values (see Limits).

  4. Click Save in the upper-right corner.

  • In reports, named filters are identifiable by their white background and their italic font style.

  • By hovering over the named filters, you see the filters of the set.

  • More than one named filter can be applied to a report at a time.

Remove named filters from a report

  1. In Edit mode, click dots next to the filter, and then click Remove.

  2. Click Save in the upper-right corner.

Required privileges

Members with the required privileges can view and edit elements of the Reports (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page. The following table indicates the required privileges to view and edit reports from the Reports page and associated panels (see Manage privileges).


Access to reports or part of their content may be further restricted as a function of the member (see Manage access to reports and Manage permission filters).

Action Service - Domain Required access level

View named filters

Analytics - Analytics data

Analytics - Dimensions

Analytics - Reports

Organization - Organization


Edit named filters

Analytics - Analytics data

Analytics - Dimensions

Organization - Organization


Analytics - Reports


Analytics - Administrate
