Add and review pie and bar chart cards

Usage analytics dashboards offer many ways to review the data collected by Coveo Usage Analytics (Coveo UA)(see Review and manage dashboards).

You can, among other things, add pie or bar chart cards to dashboards to illustrate the most and less recurrent dimension values such as the top browsers and devices in the last week based on the Visit Count metric.

Add Pie and Bar Chart cards in usage analytics dashboards

  1. In an existing dashboard, access Edit mode by clicking Edit in the upper-right corner.

    In a new dashboard, the report is in Edit mode by default (see Add dashboards).

  2. In a section, click Add card to section to access the Add a Card dialog.

    You can also duplicate an existing card with Duplicate, and then only modify what needs to be different (see Duplicate a Dashboard Element).

  3. In the Add a Card dialog:

    1. Select Pie Chart or Bar Chart.

      • You can create a pie chart illustrating the number of search events by country in the last week.


      • You can create a bar chart illustrating the top browsers and devices in the last week based on the Unique Visitor ID metric.


    2. In the first input, enter a meaningful Card title.

      When you leave the box empty and save the dashboard, the card title will be [Selected Metric] per [Selected Dimension].

      For example, Device Category per Unique Visitor ID.

      Top Browsers & Devices During This Week's Visit Count

    3. Under Dimension and Metric, click the dropdown menu, and then select a dimension and a metric to be shown in the bar or pie chart:

      (For pie charts only) Since pie chart slices already represent percentages, metrics with percentage values such as Search Event Clickthrough (%) aren’t available.

      The Device Category dimension and the Unique Visitor ID metric.

      • Click the links (Search, Click, and Custom) to quickly browse dimensions and metrics by event category, and then select the one(s) of your choice (see Dimensions and Usage analytics metrics).


      • Click All, and then use the Filter box to find and select the dimension(s) and metric(s) of your choice.

    4. (Optional) In the Advanced Settings section:

      • Click Add-Filter, and then create one or more dimension and/or metric filters (see Add Dimension and Metric Filters in Cards).

      • In the Value destination link and Header destination link boxes, set destination links when clicking table values or titles (see Set Destination Links On Card Title and Values).

      • (For pie charts only) Decide the Metric display on the chart by selecting to Display value (text or number), Display percent that represents each metric value on the sum of all values, or Display both.

      • (For pie charts only) Under Display as, select the pie chart to be displayed as a Pie or a Donut.

      • (For bar charts only) Under Display as, select the chart to be displayed with Vertical or Horizontal bars.

      • When you report on a custom event and on a search or click event (you added a filter or selected a dimension or metric related) at the same time, or on an all event category metric or dimension (for example, Unique User IP and Browser), choose to Create a relation using the Last search or the Visit between the event categories.

      We recommend that you select Last search in situations where the last query performed by the user is the reason why they did the custom event.

      For example, in Salesforce, when agents attached a result to a case (caseAttach), the last query they made gave them the results they used to do the custom event.

      On the other hand, we recommend that you select Visit in situations where none of the queries performed by the user during the visit resolved their matter.

      For example, when one of your clients creates a case (caseCreate), they, more often than not, tried to get the information they needed by querying on the subject of their matter before doing the custom event. You can then use these queries to create knowledge base article(s) and therefore fill the content gap.

      • The Create a relation using parameter has no effect when you report only on search and click events.

      • Last search links each custom event to the query immediately preceding (if any) and Visit links each custom event to all queries performed during the user visit in which the custom event happened.

    5. Click Add Card.

  4. Back on the dashboard, click Save in the upper-right corner.

Review Pie and Bar Chart content in usage analytics dashboards

  1. In the navigation bar on the left, under Analytics, select Reports.

  2. On the Reports page, click the report containing the packed bubble chart cards you want to review, and then click Open in the Action bar.

  3. For every pie and bar charts, you can:

    • Add or remove a dimension value from the pie/bar chart by hovering over a value in the chart legend and then clicking Hide/Show.


    • See the metric count for each dimension value and the percentage that this count represents on the metric total count by hovering over a part of the pie/bar chart.


    • Highlight the part of the pie chart representing a dimension value by hovering over a pie or bar chart value in the chart legend.


Required privileges

The following table indicates the required privileges to view and edit dashboards from the Reports (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page and associated panels (see Manage privileges and Privilege reference).

Access to dashboards or part of their content may be further restricted as a function of the member (see Manage access to reports and Manage permission filters).

Action Service - Domain Required access level
View pie and bar chart cards

Analytics - Analytics data

Analytics - Dimensions

Analytics - Reports

Organization - Organization

Edit pie and bar chart cards

Analytics - Analytics data

Analytics - Dimensions

Organization - Organization

Analytics - Reports Edit
Analytics - Administrate Allowed