Log search events

This is for:


Typically, whenever a user interacts with a search interface in a way that triggers a query to the Search API, the search interface logs a search event. For example, a search event is logged when the user submits a query from the search box or selects a facet value. This is the most commonly logged category of usage analytics event.

This article provides guidelines for performing HTTP requests against the Usage Analytics (UA) Write API to properly log search events.


The information in this article is only relevant when you can’t (or choose not to) use one of the Coveo UI libraries (Atomic, Headless, or the JavaScript Search Framework) to achieve a search integration with Coveo. These libraries can handle all of the HTTP requests for you.

To log a search event, make a POST request to


where <ORG_ID> is the unique identifier of your Coveo organization.

In the HIPAA environment, use:


In either case, under the hood, Coveo will use the organization endpoints to redirect your requests to the target region.

Use an access token with the privilege to push UA data (that is, the Allowed access level on the Analytics data domain).


In the following request, only the body properties which are required by the Coveo Usage Analytics (Coveo UA) and Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) services are included. In this example, even though the username is required, it’s not included because it’s extracted from the search token. If another authentication method was used, the username field would need to be included in the request body.

POST https://myorganizationid9sd8df7s.analytics.org.coveo.com/rest/ua/v15/analytics/search HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer **********-****-****-****-************


  "anonymous": false,
  "language": "en",
  "originLevel1": "CommunitySearchPage",
  "originLevel2": "All",
  "clientId": "489aa3e3-aed2-4563-8e81-62bb73178a56",
  "actionCause": "searchboxSubmit",
  "queryText": "coveo",
  "responseTime": 145,
  "searchQueryUid": "7bfc652a-9dea-4811-b3f9-6d24345c37ce",
  "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36"

There’s also a method for logging search events in batches: POST https://<ORG_ID>.analytics.org.coveo.com/rest/ua/v15/analytics/searches, where <ORG_ID> is the unique identifier of your organization.

Assuming that the search interface is logging usage analytics events asynchronously, it could queue up events and send them in a batch when they’re ready. This would allow the search interface to make fewer HTTP requests, especially when many search requests that log search events are performed in a short amount of time. For example, when search-as-you-type is used.

Required request body properties

The following properties are required by the UA Write API when logging a search event.

actionCause (string)

The identifier of the user action that triggered a query and caused the search interface to log a search event. For example, if the user submits a query from the search box, the standard actionCause value would be searchboxSubmit.

Most of the actions which can be performed from a typical search interface are associated with a specific, standard actionCause value (that is, the one that the Coveo UI libraries would use in a similar situation).

The most common of these are documented in the search interface implementation guidelines.

To learn more about the different actionCause values, see Custom metadata reference.


Some actionCause values are expected to be accompanied by a specific set of customData key-value pairs. Passing these expected key-value pairs is important because they’re used by Coveo ML and in UA reports.

Coveo ML Query Suggestion (QS) models will learn from a given Coveo UA Write log request when actionCause is set to one of the following: omniboxAnalytics, searchboxSubmit, searchFromLink.

  "actionCause": "facetSelect",

language (string)

The language of the search interface from which the search event originates. Maximum: 256 characters.

This value must be an ISO 639-1 code, and it must match the first part of the locale value in the request body of the corresponding query to the Search API.

The Coveo ML Automatic Relevance Tuning (ART) and QS models handle the query string differently depending on the language value. Additionally, QS models only provide suggestions in the appropriate language, and Content Recommendation (CR) models are language-specific.

  "language": "en",

numberOfResults (unsigned integer)

The number of results which were returned by the query that caused the search interface to log a search event.


The numberOfResults property isn’t required by the UA Write API, but is required for some UA reporting purposes, such as identifying content gaps. This dimension is used to decide whether queries return results or not, populating the hasResults dimension, used to identify content gaps. Therefore, it’s strongly recommended to populate this property.

The numberOfResults value must be the same as the totalCount value in the response body of the corresponding Search API request.

  "numberOfResults": 1866,

queryText (string)

The original basic query expression (q) in the corresponding search request. Maximum: 1024 characters.

The queryText value must be the same as the q value of the corresponding search request to the Search API.

The queryText value is used by Coveo ML ART, QS, and CR. It’s broken down and associated with relevant result items.

  "queryText": "coveo",

responseTime (strictly positive integer)

Time (in milliseconds) between the moment the query that caused the search interface to log a search event was sent to the Search API and the moment the search interface received the results. Useful to monitor the speed of your solution.

  "responseTime": 145,

searchQueryUid (string)

The unique identifier of the query that caused the search interface to log a search event.

The searchQueryUid value must be the same as the searchUid value in the response of the corresponding search request to the Search API.

The Coveo ML ART and QS models use searchQueryUid to relate click events to search events.

  "searchQueryUid": "df60b2fb-c276-49ae-b704-2ee45609f3a6",

Coveo ML-required request body properties

The following properties aren’t required by the UA Write API when logging a search event, but they’re required when using the Coveo ML service (otherwise, Coveo ML models won’t function correctly).

originLevel1 (string)

The name or identifier of the search interface from which the search event originates. Maximum: 128 characters.

If originLevel1 isn’t specified and the request is authenticated with a search token, the service tries to extract the searchHub value from the access token that authenticated the request to log a search event (see Set the Search Hub).

When logging a search event, the originLevel1 value must be the same as the searchHub value in the request body of the corresponding query to the Search API.


Coveo ML models use the originLevel1 value as a default filter field. These filters don’t affect how the models learn, but they must be logged correctly for recommendations to work. When Coveo ML models make suggestions, items which don’t meet the right filters are ignored (see Get query suggestions - Troubleshooting).

  "originLevel1": "ExternalSearch",

anonymous (Boolean)

Whether the query that caused the search interface to log a search event was triggered by an anonymous user. The default value is false.

If the user is authenticated but wants to be anonymous, set anonymous to true. The UA Write API won’t extract the name and userDisplayName, if present, from the search token. As long as you don’t include their identity elsewhere in your request, the user will remain anonymous.

The anonymous value must be identical to the isGuestUser value of the corresponding search request to the Search API. If an authenticated user wants to be anonymous, isGuestUser should be set to true when performing a query.

When anonymous is set to true, Coveo ML QS models will personalize using clientId or visitorId instead of username.

  "anonymous": false,

userAgent (string)

Information about the browser and operating system of the user who triggered the query that caused the search interface to log a search event. Maximum: 1024 characters.


If the client performs HTTP requests directly against the UA Write API to log events (rather than performing those requests through a proxy server), the user’s browser will typically include the correct information in the User-Agent request header. In this case, it’s not necessary to specify a value for the userAgent request body property.

The Coveo ML ART, QS, and CR models use this value to filter out search events that were logged by bots or anonymous users.

  "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36",

username (string)

The name of the user security identity which triggered the query that caused the search interface to log a search event. Maximum: 128 characters. This can only be specified when authenticated with an API key that was created using the Authenticated search template or an OAuth2 token with the privilege to impersonate users (that is, the Allowed access level on the Impersonate domain).


A private API key or an OAuth2 token with the privilege to impersonate users shouldn’t be exposed publicly.

If username isn’t specified and the request is authenticated with a search token, the service tries to extract the username value from the access token that authenticated the log search event request. If this fails, username is left blank.

If this isn’t specified and the request is authenticated with an API key, username is set to anonymous.

The Coveo ML service requires the username value to load even though it’s not always used. In QS, the Coveo ML service uses the username to filter out irrelevant users. In CR, it uses the username to build user profiles and provide user-based recommendations.

  "username": "alice.smith@example.com",

Coveo ML-optional request body properties

The following properties aren’t required by either the UA Write API or Coveo ML service when logging search events. However, specifying values for these properties may improve the effectiveness of Coveo ML.

originLevel2 (string)

The name or identifier of the tab from which the search event originates. Maximum: 128 characters.

When logging a search event, the originLevel2 value must be identical to the tab value in the request body of the corresponding query to the Search API. If there are no tabs in your search interface, you can reuse the searchHub value (in other words, you can use the same value for originLevel1 and originLevel2).


Coveo ML ART models use the originLevel2 value as a default filter field. Filters don’t affect how Coveo ML models learn, but they must be logged correctly for recommendations to work. When Coveo ML models make suggestions, items which don’t meet the right filters are ignored.

  "originLevel2": "All",

outcome (integer from -5 to 5)

An indication of the quality of the outcome of this event. A value of -5 corresponds to the worst possible outcome, a value of 0 corresponds to a neutral outcome, and a value of 5 corresponds to the best possible outcome.

The outcome property will eventually be leveraged by the Coveo ML service.

  "outcome": 0,

Optional request body properties

The following properties are entirely optional when logging search events. Although they’re not leveraged by the Coveo ML service, specifying values for these properties can be useful for reporting.

advancedQuery (string)

The original advanced query expression (aq) in the corresponding search request. Maximum: 3000 characters.

If specified, the advancedQuery value must be the same as the advanced query expression (aq) value of the corresponding search request to the Search API.

  "advancedQuery": "(@objecttype==('Developer Guide', 'Developers Topic'))",

contextual (Boolean)

Indicates if the query is modified by contextual filters (for instance, a query to find similar documents).

indexId (string)

The unique name of the index that the search query is performed against. Can be specified if there’s one or more indexes in an organization.

  "indexId": "coveodev-4rroj2cd-Indexer-1-qxqvk5o55uduzhgsqggfz6smv4",

originContext (string)

The origin of the event. This is used to specify the deployment from which the user performs the action. Maximum: 128 characters. Suggested values are Search, InternalSearch, CommunitySearch, or the originLevel1 value.

  "originContext": "CommunitySearch",

originLevel3 (string)

The URL of the page that redirected the browser to the search interface from which the search event originates (that is, document.referrer). Maximum: 128 characters.

  "originLevel3": "https://connect.coveo.com/s/search/All/Home/%40uri",

queryPipeline (string)

The name of the query pipeline which processed the query that caused the search interface to log a search event. Maximum length of 128 characters.

If specified, the queryPipeline value takes precedence over the one defined in the search token pipeline parameter.

If specified, the queryPipeline value must be the same as the pipeline value in the request body of the corresponding query to the Search API.


When performing A/B testing, it’s mandatory to include the queryPipeline in the usage analytics event.

  "queryPipeline": "External Search",

splitTestRunName (string)

The name of the A/B test to run, if one is active. Maximum: 128 characters.

  "splitTestRunName": "splitTest",

splitTestRunVersion (string)

The version of the A/B test to run, if one is active. Maximum: 128 characters.

  "splitTestRunVersion": "splitTestRunAlpha",

trackingId (string)

The value to identify which web property an event is related to. This is a human-readable name you can use when sending analytics events.

  "trackingId": "online_store",

userDisplayName (string)

The display name of the user performing the search event. Maximum: 128 characters.

If userDisplayName isn’t specified and the request is authenticated with a search token, the service tries to extract the userdisplayName value from the access token that authenticated the request to log a search event.

  "userDisplayName": "Alice",

userGroups (string array)

The groups that the end user performing the event is a member of. If the request is authenticated with a search token, the service also tries to extract the userGroups value from the access token that authenticated the log search event request, and logs those groups as well.

  "userGroups": ["Employee"],

Search event customData (key-value pairs)

These are custom key-value pairs which can contain all of the user-defined dimensions and their values, and which can be used for reporting or learning.

  • The customData section must be valid JSON.

  • When possible, we recommend using a string as the value.

  • The value can be any valid JSON, but it’s handled as string over Coveo Usage Analytics (Coveo UA), and the string conversion could result in the alteration of the original JSON. Keys may only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters, and all spaces in the keys are replaced with underscores. Any uppercase characters in the keys are converted to lowercase characters.

    • "key" : "value" → This is the recommended format for Coveo UA, which renders the string as "value" and makes it usable as any other string dimension type.

    • "key" : [ "value_1", "value_2" ] → This becomes the string "[ "value_1", "value_2" ] " within Coveo UA. Although it’s harder to use for reporting, this value could still be useful (for example, when using the filter "contains" type).

  • We recommend that you create your custom dimension before adding customData.

  • Any field beginning with context_ will be used by Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) as user context to learn and provide boosts to contextually relevant items.

  • When logging a search event which involved a large query expression (lq), you can optionally include, as a custom data field, the refinedKeywords (string array) returned by the Search API. These refinedKeywords are extracted from lq by the Coveo ML Intelligent Term Detection (ITD) feature. Although they aren’t used by Coveo ML to learn, the refinedKeywords will be available for reporting.


Case deflection (which involved lq)

    "context_usertype" : "User",
    "refinedKeywords": ["issue", "making", "request", "403", "api"]