Event Protocol Reference

This is for:


The Event Protocol and Relay library are currently in early access. If you’re interested in using the Event Protocol and Relay library, reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

Common schemas

itemClick (object)

Represents the Coveo Analytics Item Click Event. Use this schema when sending data related to a user’s click on an item returned by Coveo.


searchUid: string (required)

Search Query Unique Identifier

A unique identifier identifying the query made to a search system.

Maxlength: 128

position: integer (required)

Item Position

Indicates the clicked item’s 1-based position within the returned results.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 32767

itemMetadata: object (required)
  • uniqueFieldName: string (required)

    The index field name used to uniquely identify the item.

  • uniqueFieldValue: string (required)

    The index field value used to uniquely identify the item.

  • title: string

    The title of the clicked item.

  • author: string

    The author of the clicked item.

  • url: string

    The URL identifying the clicked item.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "itemClick",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "mystore"
  "searchUid": "000003e8-06f0-21ee-8000-2eb5a363657c",
  "position": 3,
  "itemMetadata": {
    "uniqueFieldName": "permanentid",
    "uniqueFieldValue": "kayak-paddle-01",
    "author": "Barca Sports",
    "url": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products/kayak-paddle-01",
    "title": "Bamboo Kayak Paddle"

itemView (object)

Represents the Coveo Analytics Item View Event. This should be sent when landing on a page dedicated to an item.


itemMetadata: object (required)
  • uniqueFieldName: string (required)

    The index field name used to uniquely identify the item.

  • uniqueFieldValue: string (required)

    The index field value used to uniquely identify the item.

  • title: string

    The title of the clicked item.

  • author: string

    The author of the clicked item.

  • url: string

    The URL identifying the clicked item.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "itemView",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "mystore"
  "itemMetadata": {
    "uniqueFieldName": "permanentid",
    "uniqueFieldValue": "kayak-paddle-01",
    "author": "Barca Sports",
    "url": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products/kayak-paddle-01",
    "title": "Bamboo Kayak Paddle"

Case Assist schemas

caseAssist.cancel (object)

The caseAssist.cancel event is emitted when a user cancels the Case Assist flow.


reason (required)

The reason why the user canceled the ticket creation flow.

Possible values: solved|quit

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "caseAssist.cancel",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "my_case_assist_experience"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "reason": "quit"

caseAssist.createTicket (object)

The caseAssist.createTicket event is emitted when a user creates support ticket is created with Case Assist.


ticket: object (required)

A support ticket.

  • id: string (required)

    The support ticket unique id as identified by the origin system.

  • category: string

    The category of the support ticket.

  • description: string

    The description of the support ticket.

  • subject: string

    The subject of the support ticket.

  • system: string

    The origin system of the support ticket.

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "caseAssist.createTicket",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "my_case_assist_experience"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "ticket": {
    "id": "16cdbc3b-4321-49ae-1234-d67e93404b71",
    "category": "headlamps",
    "subject": "I need help with my headlamp",
    "description": "I need help with my headlamp",
    "system": "jira"

caseAssist.documentSuggestionClick (object)

The caseAssist.documentSuggestionClick event is emitted when a user clicks on a Case Assist document suggestion.


documentSuggestion: object (required)

A document suggestion.

  • id: string (required)

  • responseId: string (required)

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "caseAssist.documentSuggestionClick",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "my_case_assist_experience"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "documentSuggestion": {
    "id": "64624bc3-d92s-4747-ac2f-907eff1f9e97",
    "responseId": "98624bc3-d92s-4747-ac2f-907eff1f9e88"

caseAssist.documentSuggestionFeedback (object)

The caseAssist.documentSuggestionFeedback event is emitted when a user gives feedback on a Case Assist document suggestion.


documentSuggestion: object (required)

A document suggestion.

  • id: string (required)

  • responseId: string (required)

liked: boolean (required)

Whether the user liked the document suggestion or not.

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "caseAssist.documentSuggestionFeedback",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "my_case_assist_experience"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "documentSuggestion": {
    "id": "64624bc3-d92s-4747-ac2f-907eff1f9e97",
    "responseId": "98624bc3-d92s-4747-ac2f-907eff1f9e88"
  "liked": true

caseAssist.selectFieldClassification (object)

The caseAssist.selectFieldClassification event is emitted when a user selects a Case Assist field recommendation.


fieldClassification: object (required)
  • id: string (required)

    The unique identifier of the field classification.

  • responseId: string (required)

    The unique identifier of the response that contains the field classification.

autoselected: boolean (required)

Whether the field classification was automatically selected by Coveo Case Assist.

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "caseAssist.selectFieldClassification",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "my_case_assist_experience"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "fieldClassification": {
    "id": "54624bc3-8e1c-4747-ac2f-907eff1f9eea",
    "responseId": "64624bc3-d92s-4747-ac2f-907eff1f9e97"
  "autoselected": false

caseAssist.start (object)

The caseAssist.start event is emitted when a user initiates a Case Assist flow.


meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "caseAssist.start",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "my_case_assist_experience"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"

caseAssist.updateField (object)

The caseAssist.updateField event is emitted when a user edits a Case Assist form field.


fieldName: string (required)

The name of the field that was updated.

fieldValue: string (required)

The new value of the field.

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "caseAssist.updateField",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "my_case_assist_experience"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "fieldName": "product",
  "fieldValue": "headlamps"

Commerce schemas

ec.cartAction (object)

The ec.cartAction event is emitted when a user adds or removes a product from the cart or changes a product’s quantity.


action: string (required)

Specifies the action. Use "add" to increase quantity and "remove" to decrease it.

Possible values: add|remove

currency: string (required)

List of supported currencies.


product: object (required)
  • productId: string (required)

    A unique identifier for the product. The value must match the product id field configured in the catalog.

  • name: string (required)

    The product name.

  • price: number (required)

    The product price.

quantity: number (required)

Represents the change in product quantity, not the total quantity. Can be decimal. Must be greater than 0.

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "ec.cartAction",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "mystore"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "action": "add",
  "currency": "USD",
  "product": {
    "productId": "XY-1234",
    "name": "Bluewater Canoe",
    "price": 540
  "quantity": 1

ec.productClick (object)

The ec.productClick event is emitted when a user clicks a product, be it on a search page, listing page, or recommendation carousel.


position: integer (required)

Indicates the product’s position using a 1-based index. Maximum possible value is 32767.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 32767

responseId: string (required)

Response ID linked to the commerce API request that returned the clicked item.

currency: string (required)

List of supported currencies.


product: object (required)
  • productId: string (required)

    A unique identifier for the product. The value must match the product id field configured in the catalog.

  • name: string (required)

    The product name.

  • price: number (required)

    The product price.

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "ec.productClick",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "mystore"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "product": {
    "productId": "XY-1234",
    "name": "Bluewater Canoe",
    "price": 540
  "position": 1,
  "responseId": "35009a79-1a05-49d7-b876-2b884d0f825b",
  "currency": "USD"

ec.productView (object)

The ec.productView event is emitted when a user explores a product’s details on a Product Detail Page (PDP) or previews the item in a pop-up window (commonly referred to as a modal) from a Product Listing Page (PLP).


currency: string (required)

List of supported currencies.


product: object (required)
  • productId: string (required)

    A unique identifier for the product. The value must match the product id field configured in the catalog.

  • name: string (required)

    The product name.

  • price: number (required)

    The product price.

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "ec.productView",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "mystore"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "currency": "CAD",
  "product": {
    "productId": "XY-1234",
    "name": "Bluewater Canoe",
    "price": 540

ec.purchase (object)

The ec.purchase event is emitted when a user completes a purchase.


currency: string (required)

List of supported currencies.


products: array (required)
  • product: object (required)

    • productId: string (required)

      A unique identifier for the product. The value must match the product id field configured in the catalog.

    • name: string (required)

      The product name.

    • price: number (required)

      The product price.

  • quantity: number (required)

    Purchased product quantity. Can be decimal. Must be greater than 0.

transaction: object (required)
  • id: string (required)

    The transaction ID. You can use it to cross-reference any orders you’ve exported from Coveo against records in your own system.

  • revenue: number (required)

    Total revenue from the transaction, including tax, shipping, and discounts.

    Minimum: 0

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "ec.purchase",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "mystore"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "currency": "LBP",
  "products": [
      "product": {
        "productId": "XY-1234",
        "name": "Bluewater Canoe",
        "price": 540
      "quantity": 1
      "product": {
        "productId": "XY-1235",
        "name": "Bamboo Kayak Paddle",
        "price": 120
      "quantity": 2
      "product": {
        "productId": "XY-1247",
        "name": "Mixed Trail Nuts (kg)",
        "price": 2.5
      "quantity": 0.5
  "transaction": {
    "id": "TRX_1234",
    "revenue": 781.25

Insight Panel schemas

insightPanel.createArticle (object)

The insightPanel.createArticle event is emitted when the agent creates an article from a support case.


context: object (required)

The context in which Insight Panel is used.

  • targetId: string (required)

    Target ID

    The target’s unique id in the original source system. (Example, a Case’s id in Salesforce).

    Maxlength: 128

  • targetType: string (required)

    Target type

    The target’s type in the original source system. (Example: 'Case').

    Maxlength: 128

articleType: string

Article Type

The type of article the agent started to create.

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "insightPanel.createActicle",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/article",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/articles",
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "agents"
  "articleType": "Fun fact!",
  "context": {
    "targetType": "Case",
    "targetId": "005000000000001"

insightPanel.detachItem (object)

The insightPanel.detachItem event is emitted when the agent detaches an item from a record.


context: object (required)

The context in which Insight Panel is used.

  • targetId: string (required)

    Target ID

    The target’s unique id in the original source system. (Example, a Case’s id in Salesforce).

    Maxlength: 128

  • targetType: string (required)

    Target type

    The target’s type in the original source system. (Example: 'Case').

    Maxlength: 128

itemMetadata: object (required)
  • uniqueFieldName: string (required)

    The index field name used to uniquely identify the item.

  • uniqueFieldValue: string (required)

    The index field value used to uniquely identify the item.

  • title: string

    The title of the clicked item.

  • author: string

    The author of the clicked item.

  • url: string

    The URL identifying the clicked item.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "insightPanel.detachItem",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/article",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/articles",
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "agents"
  "itemMetadata": {
    "uniqueFieldName": "permanentid",
    "uniqueFieldValue": "how-to-search",
    "author": "John Doe",
    "url": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/articles/how-to-search",
    "title": "How to search"
  "context": {
    "targetType": "Case",
    "targetId": "005000000000001"

insightPanel.expandToFullUI (object)

The insightPanel.expandToFullUI event is emitted when the agent expands an Insight Panel view to full UI.


context: object (required)

The context in which Insight Panel is used.

  • targetId: string (required)

    Target ID

    The target’s unique id in the original source system. (Example, a Case’s id in Salesforce).

    Maxlength: 128

  • targetType: string (required)

    Target type

    The target’s type in the original source system. (Example: 'Case').

    Maxlength: 128

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "insightPanel.expandToFullUI",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/article",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/articles",
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "agents"
  "context": {
    "targetType": "Case",
    "targetId": "005000000000001"

insightPanel.itemAction (object)

The insightPanel.itemAction event is emited when the agent interacts with a search item.


action: string (required)


How the user interacted with the item.

Possible values: attach|open|copyToClipboard|sendEmail|postToFeed|preview

context: object (required)

The context in which Insight Panel is used.

  • targetId: string (required)

    Target ID

    The target’s unique id in the original source system. (Example, a Case’s id in Salesforce).

    Maxlength: 128

  • targetType: string (required)

    Target type

    The target’s type in the original source system. (Example: 'Case').

    Maxlength: 128

sourceEntityId: string

The id of the item in the source repository (ex: A knowledge article record ID in Saleforce).

searchUid: string (required)

Search Query Unique Identifier

A unique identifier identifying the query made to a search system.

Maxlength: 128

position: integer (required)

Item Position

Indicates the clicked item’s 1-based position within the returned results.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 32767

itemMetadata: object (required)
  • uniqueFieldName: string (required)

    The index field name used to uniquely identify the item.

  • uniqueFieldValue: string (required)

    The index field value used to uniquely identify the item.

  • title: string

    The title of the clicked item.

  • author: string

    The author of the clicked item.

  • url: string

    The URL identifying the clicked item.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "insightPanel.itemAction",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/article",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/articles",
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "agents"
  "searchUid": "000003e8-06f0-21ee-8000-2eb5a363657c",
  "position": 3,
  "itemMetadata": {
    "uniqueFieldName": "permanentid",
    "uniqueFieldValue": "how-to-search",
    "author": "John Doe",
    "url": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/articles/how-to-search",
    "title": "How to search"
  "action": "copyToClipboard",
  "context": {
    "targetType": "Case",
    "targetId": "005000000000001"
  "sourceEntityId": "kA0000000000001"

Q&A schemas

qna.answerAction (object)

Event to emit when interacting with a Q&A answer.


answer: object (required)
  • responseId: string (required)

    The id of the response associated with the service that delivered the answer (e.g. for the Search API, that would be searchUid).

  • type: string (required)

    The type of the answer.

    Possible values: SmartSnippet|SmartSnippetSuggestion|RGA

action: string (required)

Possible values: copyToClipboard|hide|show|expand|collapse|like|dislike

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "qna.answerAction",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "mystore"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "answer": {
    "responseId": "a12308cf-8bc6-4b23-a600-89edbfbfbec3",
    "type": "RGA"
  "action": "copyToClipboard"

qna.citationClick (object)

Event to emit when a Q&A answer citation item has been clicked.


answer: object (required)
  • responseId: string (required)

    The id of the response associated with the service that delivered the answer (e.g. for the Search API, that would be searchUid).

  • type: string (required)

    The type of the answer.

    Possible values: SmartSnippet|SmartSnippetSuggestion|RGA

citation: object (required)
  • id: string (required)

    The citation id. This value needs to match the unique identifier of the answer’s citation.

  • type: string (required)

    The type of the citation.

    Possible values: Source|InlineLink

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "qna.citationClick",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "mystore"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "answer": {
    "responseId": "16cdbc3b-4321-49ae-1234-d67e93404b71",
    "type": "RGA"
  "citation": {
    "id": "54624bc3-8e1c-4747-ac2f-907eff1f9eea",
    "type": "Source"

qna.citationHover (object)

Event to emit when a Q&A answer citation has been hovered.


answer: object (required)
  • responseId: string (required)

    The id of the response associated with the service that delivered the answer (e.g. for the Search API, that would be searchUid).

  • type: string (required)

    The type of the answer.

    Possible values: SmartSnippet|SmartSnippetSuggestion|RGA

citation: object (required)
  • id: string (required)

    The citation id. This value needs to match the unique identifier of the answer’s citation.

  • type: string (required)

    The type of the citation.

    Possible values: Source|InlineLink

citationHoverTimeInMs: number
meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "qna.citationHover",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "mystore"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "answer": {
    "responseId": "16cdbc3b-4321-49ae-1234-d67e93404b71",
    "type": "RGA"
  "citation": {
    "id": "54624bc3-8e1c-4747-ac2f-907eff1f9eea",
    "type": "Source"
  "citationHoverTimeInMs": 123

qna.submitRgaFeedback (object)

Event to emit when submitting feedback following the evaluation rubric for a generated answer.


answer: object (required)
  • responseId: string (required)

    The id of the response associated with the service that delivered the answer.

feedback: object (required)
  • helpful: boolean (required)

    Whether or not the answer helpful.

  • readable: string (required)

    Qualitative score for Is the answer clear and easy to read?.

    Possible values: yes|unknown|no

  • documented: string (required)

    Qualitative score for Is the question covered in the documentation?.

    Possible values: yes|unknown|no

  • correct_topic: string (required)

    Qualitative score for `Is the answer about the correct product or topic? `.

    Possible values: yes|unknown|no

  • hallucination_free: string (required)

    Qualitative score for Is the answer free of hallucinated content?.

    Possible values: yes|unknown|no

  • details: string

    Additional details to the evaluation.

  • document_url: string

    URL of an indexed document that should be used to generate the answer (i.e. source of truth).

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "qna.submitRgaFeedback",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "my_support_community"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "answer": {
    "responseId": "000003e8-06f0-21ee-8000-2eb5a363657c"
  "feedback": {
    "helpful": true,
    "readable": "no",
    "documented": "unknown",
    "correct_topic": "yes",
    "hallucination_free": "no",
    "details": "it's too good to be true",
    "document_url": "http://ferdfanboys.com/"

qna.submitSmartSnippetFeedback (object)

Event to emit when submitting the reason of a negative feedback for a Smart Snippet answer.


answer: object (required)
  • responseId: string (required)

    The id of the response associated with the service that delivered the answer.

feedback: object (required)
  • reason: string (required)

    The reason for the negative feedback.

    Possible values: irrelevant|notAccurate|outOfDate|harmful|other

  • details: string

    Additional details written in free text.

meta: object (required)

Meta Object

Common meta information for all events. This information is immutable and cannot be extended.

  • type: string (required)

    Event type

    Specifies the event type sent to Coveo Analytics.

  • ts: integer (required)

    Event Client-side timestamp

    Denotes the client-side timestamp when the event occurred.

    Minimum: 1577836800000

  • location: string | null (required)

    Indicates the URL of the resource where the event originated.

    Format: uri

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • referrer: string | null (required)

    Represents the URL that a user visited right before opening the current URL. May be empty.

    Maxlength: 1024

  • source: array (required)

    Defines one or more client side libraries that generated the analytics event. The format should be the library’s name followed by '@', and then the version. For example, '[custom.library.js@2.0.0]'.

  • userAgent: string | null (required)

    Represents the user agent of the browser.

    Minlength: 1

    Maxlength: 1024

  • clientId: string (required)

    Browser based user identifier

    A unique identifier for the browser recording the event. It should adhere to the UUID format.

  • config: object (required)

    • trackingId: string | null (required)

      Tracking identifier.

      Maxlength: 100

Sample payload

  "meta": {
    "type": "qna.submitSmartSnippetFeedback",
    "ts": 1685557608944,
    "location": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/products",
    "referrer": "https://www.mydomain.com/l/headlamps",
    "config": {
      "trackingId": "mystore"
    "source": [
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "clientId": "61afaffd-f47f-4d81-858a-6a2475b3d46d"
  "answer": {
    "responseId": "000003e8-06f0-21ee-8000-2eb5a363657c"
  "feedback": {
    "reason": "other",
    "details": "it's too good to be true"