Implement search parameter support
Implement search parameter support
This article explains how to use the SearchParameterManager
component to synchronize search parameters with the URL in server-side rendering (SSR).
We recommend that you use the Coveo Headless SSR utilities with the latest Next.js App Router. We don’t fully support the Pages Router. This article uses the App Router paradigm.
If you decide to use the Pages Router paradigm, there are potential issues which might lead to server reruns during client-side navigation. This would cause both the client and server to execute search requests to the Coveo Platform. For more details on the root cause of this behavior, refer to this GitHub issue.
Although you could read this article without being familiar with Next.js, we recommend that you follow the Next.js Getting Started documentation first. |
Define the engine and controllers
You need to define the engine and controllers required for the search page.
This involves setting up the SearchParameterManager
component, which is responsible for managing the state of the search interface and synchronizing it with the URL.
In src/engine.ts
import {
} from '@coveo/headless-react/ssr';
const accessToken = "<ACCESS_TOKEN>";
const organizationId = "<ORGANIZATION_ID>";
const engineDefinition = defineSearchEngine({
configuration: {
// ... Any other Headless controller that you want to add to the page (such as Facet or Result list)
controllers: {
// ... Other controllers
searchParameterManager: defineSearchParameterManager()
export const { useSearchParameterManager } = engineDefinition.controllers; 
searchParameterManager must be added as the last controller, because it requires other controllers to be initialized first.
Controllers are built in the order in which they’re specified in the engine definition. |
Make sure to export the useSearchParameterManager hook, which will synchronize the search parameters with the URL. |
Define the component
The SearchParameterManager
component uses the useSearchParameterManager
hook (exposed in src/engine.ts
) and the useAppHistoryRouter
custom React hook to manage browser history and URL updates.
Create a new file (src/components/search-parameter-manager.tsx
) and define the SearchParameterManager
component as follows:
'use client';
import { useAppHistoryRouter } from './history-router';
import { useSearchParameterManager } from '../engine';
export default function SearchParameterManager() {
const historyRouter = useAppHistoryRouter();
const {state, methods} = useSearchParameterManager();
// ... Rendering logic
return <></>;
Implement a history router hook
The following example shows how you can implement a custom hook to manage browser history.
Add the code in src/components/history-router.tsx
'use client';
import { useEffect, useMemo, useCallback } from 'react';
function getUrl() {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
return null;
return new URL(document.location.href);
export function useAppHistoryRouter() {
const [url, updateUrl] = useReducer(() => getUrl(), getUrl());
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('popstate', updateUrl);
return () => window.removeEventListener('popstate', updateUrl);
}, []);
const replace = useCallback(
(href: string) => window.history.replaceState(null, document.title, href),
const push = useCallback(
(href: string) => window.history.pushState(null, document.title, href),
return useMemo(() => ({url, replace, push}), [url, replace, push]);
Update the UI when the URL changes
The SearchParameterManager
component uses the useEffect
hook to synchronize the search interface with the current URL whenever its search parameter changes.
For more info about |
Any search filter (such as facet value, query, or sort criteria) in the URL will automatically be reflected in the interface when loading the search page with specific parameters in the URL.
Add the following code in src/components/search-parameter-manager.tsx
import { buildSSRSearchParameterSerializer } from '@coveo/headless/ssr';
import { useEffect, useMemo } from 'react';
// ...
useEffect(() => (
methods &&
historyRouter.url?.searchParams &&
), [historyRouter.url?.searchParams, methods]);
The buildSSRSearchParameterSerializer.toSearchParameters utility reads search parameters from the URL and parses them into an object that can be added to the Coveo Platform state. |
Update the URL when the UI changes
The browser’s URL also needs to be updated whenever there’s a state change from the search interface.
Add the following code in src/components/search-parameter-manager.tsx
const correctedUrl = useMemo(() => {
if (!historyRouter.url) {
return null;
const newURL = new URL(historyRouter.url);
const { serialize } = buildSSRSearchParameterSerializer();
return serialize(state.parameters, newURL);
}, [state.parameters]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!correctedUrl || document.location.href === correctedUrl) {
const isStaticState = methods === undefined;
historyRouter[isStaticState ? 'replace' : 'push'](correctedUrl);
}, [correctedUrl, methods]);
The useMemo hook listens for any parameter changes in the state.
Whenever there’s a change, the state’s parameters are serialized (using the serialize utility provided by the @coveo/headless/ssr package) and applied to the URL. |
The useEffect hook then updates the browser’s history state. |
You can consult a working demo of the component. |
Add the component to the search page
// page.tsx
import { SearchParameterManager } from './components/search-parameter-manager';
import { SearchPageProvider } from '...';
import { fetchStaticState } from './engine';
import { buildSSRSearchParameterSerializer } from '@coveo/headless-react/ssr';
export default async function Search({searchParams}) {
const {toSearchParameters} = buildSSRSearchParameterSerializer();
const searchParameters = toSearchParameters(searchParams);
const staticState = await fetchStaticState({
controllers: {
searchParameterManager: {
initialState: {parameters: searchParameters},
return (
<SearchPageProvider staticState={staticState}>
<SearchParameterManager />
export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic';