Export data from a card

In this article

When you want to share information from a Coveo Usage Analytics card (for example, to share your top documents or content gap results), you can export a light-weighted data report (see Data exports). With the required privileges, this data can be extracted from any card on your dashboard with the Data Explorer panel, so you can analyze and visualize it.

The data is exported to a CSV file (spreadsheet), which can be read by third-party tools such as Microsoft Excel™.


While you can extract all the data from your reports (see Manage raw data), we recommend that you use the Data Explorer only for a limited period, so you’ll have a shorter report.

To export data from a card

  1. On the Reports (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page of the Coveo Administration Console, double-click the report containing the card from which you want to extract data.

  2. Hover over the desired card, and then click Explore-Data at the top right of the card.

  3. In the Data Explorer panel, at the lower right, click Icon-Download to download a CSV file with all the card data.


You can also click filter-add-2 to filter the data in the card you want to export.

Required privileges

The following table indicates the privileges required to view or export data from a card.

Action Service - Domain Required access level

View the data explorer

Analytics - Analytics data
Analytics - Dimensions
Analytics - Named filters
Analytics - Reports
Organization - Organization


Export data from the data explorer

Organization - Organization


Analytics - Data exports
