Manage hosted search pages

This is for:


Coveo lets you create several types of search interface: hosted search pages, in-product experiences, and Insight Panels. Each type can be created through its own page of the Coveo Administration Console.

The Search Pages (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page allows you to create search pages hosted by Coveo. Coveo-hosted search pages are immediately fully operational, which means that you can use and share them as soon as they’re created.

The instructions on this page pertain to the hosted pages created with the search interface builder or with the legacy search page option. If you rather choose to develop your own search interface, you should rather explore the documentation of your approach of choice. Moreover, search pages created with Coveo’s libraries aren’t hosted by Coveo. You must therefore host them yourself.

Create a hosted search interface

The Search Pages (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page offers three ways to create a search interface.

Depending on your goal and coding skills, you can use:

  • The search interface builder, which allows you to create a simple search page in a couple of minutes. No coding skills are required. Coveo hosts the search pages created with the builder.

  • The legacy Interface Editor option, which relies on the JavaScript Search Framework. We typically recommend using this option only when instructed to by the documentation. Coveo also hosts legacy search interfaces. If you choose this option, see Legacy search page.

  • One of the developer approaches, which include the Atomic library. These approaches require coding skills, but allow more fine-tuning than the builder and Interface Editor. You’re responsible to host the search page you create.

For further information on these options, see Choose the right approach.

Legacy search page

The legacy Interface Editor relies on the JavaScript Search Framework. We typically recommend using this option only when instructed to by the documentation.


Legacy search pages are intended for development and testing purposes only, and aren’t meant for production.

  1. In the Add a Search Page panel, in the Page name box, enter a unique path name for your search page.

  2. In the HTML title box, enter a title for your search page.

  1. In the Access tab, set whether each group (and API key, if applicable) in your Coveo organization can view or edit the current search page.

    For example, when creating a new search page, you could decide that members of Group A can edit its configuration while Group B can only view it.

    See Custom access level for more information.

  2. Click Add page.

  3. In the This search page is not configured yet panel, click Set Up a Search Page.

  4. In the Setup a Search Page panel, select the tabs you want to include in your search page. The suggested tabs are based on the content of your index.

  5. Click Create Page.

  6. To edit your search page, click the pencil in the upper-left corner. See the reference documentation for details on how the Interface Editor works.

  7. Click Save to make your changes immediately effective.


If you have the Enterprise edition, group this search page and your other implementation resources together in a project. See Manage projects.

Edit a hosted search interface

You can always go back to the search interface builder to edit a search interface.

Alternatively, if you used the legacy Interface Editor to create your search interface, see Edit a legacy hosted search page instead.

On the Search Pages (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page, click the search interface you want to edit, and then click Edit in the Action bar.

Alternatively, from the desired search interface, click Cog icon to builder in the upper-right corner.

Edit a legacy hosted search page

You can always go back to the Interface Editor to edit a search interface.

Alternatively, if you used the search interface builder to create your search interface, see Edit a Hosted Search Interface instead.

On the Search Pages (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page, click the search interface you want to edit, and then in the Action bar, click one of the following:

  • Edit to change the page name or HTML title.

  • Edit Interface to edit the page design.

Alternatively, from the desired search page, click Edit-Search-Page.

Copy a search page ID

You might need the ID of a search page, for instance when deploying one of Coveo’s integrations. Click the desired search page, and then click Copy ID in the Action bar.

Delete a search page


Deleting a search page is irreversible.

  1. Ensure that the search interface you want to delete is no longer included in any page of your website or application. Otherwise, the console will display a 404 error when the browser attempts to load the script.

  2. On the Search Pages (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page, click the search interface you want to delete, and then click Delete in the Action bar.

  3. Click Delete to confirm.

Grant access to a legacy search page

You can restrict access to legacy search pages in your organization by granting the required privileges to certain groups only. This section doesn’t apply to search pages created with the search interface builder.

Only members with the required privileges have access to all search pages in your organization.

  1. Create a new group (or edit a group) that should be granted access to all search pages in your organization.

    Leading practice

    Create a Hosted Search Page Users group, and grant it only the minimum required privileges.

  2. Review the privileges granted to your group members to ensure that they minimally have the following privileges.

    Service Name Access level





    Execute queries



    Search pages


  3. Access the "Members" tab of your group and ensure that the group only contains end users who should have access to search pages in your organization.

  4. Validate that members of your group can access search pages in your organization, perform queries, and only see appropriate search results.

  5. Share the search page URL with its intended end users.

    • If you create many hosted search pages targeting different audiences (for example, employees, customers, partners), make sure permissions are configured appropriately on your sources to prevent disclosing sensitive information. For example, customers should probably not be allowed to see the content of an intranet source.

    • If an SSO is set up for your organization, remember to invite the intended end users of your search pages as users of this SSO so they can access your search pages.

"403 Access Denied" error

If your organization uses more than one SSO authentication scheme, a 403 Access Denied error may appear when attempting to access a hosted search interface. This can occur, for example, when a user is already logged in with an SSO provider that’s not the intended SSO provider for the search interface. To force your search interface to re-authenticate users using the intended SSO provider, append ?forceAuthn=true to the end of the search page URL. Doing so redirects users to the intended SSO provider sign-in page. For example, if your search URL is, use to force re-authentication.

Required privileges

The following table indicates the privileges required to view or edit elements of the Search Pages (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au) page and associated panels (see Manage privileges and Privilege reference).

Action Service - Domain Required access level
View search pages

Organization - Organization

Search - Search pages and IPX

Edit search pages

Organization - Organization


Search - Search pages and IPX


Content - Fields

Edit and test search pages Organization - Organization View
Search - Search pages and IPX Edit

Content - Fields

Search - Execute queries Allowed

The Edit access level on the Search pages domain is a sensitive privilege which is typically granted only to administrators. This privilege should remain limited to avoid being exploited by malicious users who could enter unwanted code and put search page users at risk.