
This is for:

In this article

This component was introduced in version 1.118.0.

A result template determines the format of the query results, depending on the conditions that are defined for each template.

A template element must be the child of an atomic-recs-result-template, and an atomic-recs-list must be the parent of each atomic-recs-result-template.

Note: Any <script> tags that are defined inside a <template> element will not be executed when the results are being rendered.


Property Attribute Description Type Default


A function that must return true on results for the result template to apply. Set programmatically before initialization, not via attribute.

For example, the following targets a template and sets a condition to make it apply only to results whose title contains singapore: document.querySelector('#target-template').conditions = [(result) => /singapore/i.test(result.title)];





The field that, when defined on a result item, would allow the template to be applied.

For example, a template with the following attribute only applies to result items whose filetype and sourcetype fields are defined: if-defined="filetype,sourcetype"

string | undefined



The field that, when defined on a result item, would prevent the template from being applied.

For example, a template with the following attribute only applies to result items whose filetype and sourcetype fields are NOT defined: if-not-defined="filetype,sourcetype"

string | undefined


The field and values that define which result items the condition must be applied to.

For example, a template with the following attribute only applies to result items whose filetype is lithiummessage or YouTubePlaylist: must-match-filetype="lithiummessage,YouTubePlaylist"

{ [x: string]: string[]; }



The field and values that define which result items the condition must not be applied to.

For example, a template with the following attribute only applies to result items whose filetype is not lithiummessage: must-not-match-filetype="lithiummessage"

{ [x: string]: string[]; }




The field and values that define which result items the condition must be applied to. For example, a template with the following attribute only applies to result items whose filetype is lithiummessage or YouTubePlaylist: must-match-filetype="lithiummessage,YouTubePlaylist"

Record<string, string[]>




The field and values that define which result items the condition must not be applied to. For example, a template with the following attribute only applies to result items whose filetype is not lithiummessage: `must-not-match-filetype="lithiummessage"

Record<string, string[]>




Gets the appropriate result template based on the conditions applied.

Signature: getTemplate() => Promise<RecsResultTemplate<DocumentFragment> | null>

Returns: Promise<ResultTemplate<DocumentFragment> | null>