This component was introduced in version |
A facet is a list of values for a certain field occurring in the results, ordered using a configurable criteria (e.g., number of occurrences).
An atomic-rating-facet
displays a facet of the results for the current query as ratings.
It only supports numeric fields.
A facet allows users to drill down inside a result set by filtering the result to certain field values. The Rating Facet component displays a facet of the results for the current query as ratings.
User Experience and Best Practices
Use the Rating Facet when social proof is important in guiding the user’s decisions.
Ratings help users understand what others think, or how they have rated the item.
The Rating Facet only works with numeric field values.
Don’t use a range that’s too large, we recommend that you keep it below ten. A five star rating system is ideal; this is a common system that’s familiar to most people.
Use Cases and Examples
On an ecommerce website, a user may want to filter their results to display only the items that have a rating of four stars or above.
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
The required facets and values for this facet to be displayed. Examples:
Whether to display the facet values as checkboxes (multiple selection) or links (single selection). Possible values are 'checkbox' and 'link'. |
Specifies a unique identifier for the facet. |
The field whose values you want to display in the facet. |
Whether to exclude the parents of folded results when estimating the result count for each facet value. |
The heading level to use for the heading over the facet, from 1 to 6. |
The SVG icon to use to display the rating.
When using a custom icon, at least part of your icon should have the color set to
The maximum number of results to scan in the index to ensure that the facet lists all potential facet values.
Note: A high injectionDepth may negatively impact the facet request performance.
Minimum: |
Specifies whether the facet is collapsed. When the facet is the child of an |
The non-localized label for the facet.
Used in the |
The maximum value in the field’s index and the number of rating icons to display in the facet. If not assigned a value, this property will default to the same value as |
The minimum value of the field. |
The number of options to display in the facet. If |
The tabs on which this facet must not be displayed. This property should not be used at the same time as Set this property as a stringified JSON array, e.g.,
If you don’t set this property, the facet can be displayed on any tab. Otherwise, the facet won’t be displayed on any of the specified tabs. |
The tabs on which the facet can be displayed. This property should not be used at the same time as Set this property as a stringified JSON array, e.g.,
If you don’t set this property, the facet can be displayed on any tab. Otherwise, the facet can only be displayed on the specified tabs. |
Shadow Parts
Part | Description |
The button that resets the actively selected facet values. |
The clear button icon. |
The wrapper for the entire facet. |
The button that displays the label and toggles to expand or collapse the facet. |
The label button icon. |
The placeholder shown before the first search is executed. |
The facet value checkbox, available when display is 'checkbox'. |
The checked facet value checkbox, available when display is 'checkbox'. |
The facet value checkbox icon, available when display is 'checkbox'. |
The facet value checkbox clickable label, available when display is 'checkbox'. |
The facet value count, common for all displays. |
The facet value when display is 'link'. |
The selected facet value when display is 'link'. |
The facet value rating, common for all displays. |
The individual star icons used in the rating display. |
The facet values container. |
CSS Custom Content
Name | Description |
Size of the checkbox. |
Color of the icon when active. |
Color of the icon when inactive. |
Color of the icon’s outline. |