
This is for:

In this article

This component was introduced in version 1.0.4.

The atomic-sort-expression component defines a sort expression. This component must be inside an atomic-sort-dropdown component.


Property Attribute Description Type Default

expression (required)


One or more sort criteria that the end user can select or toggle between.

The available sort criteria are:

  • relevancy

  • date ascending/date descending

  • qre

  • <FIELD> ascending/<FIELD> descending, where you replace <FIELD> with the name of a sortable field in your index (e.g., criteria="size ascending").

You can specify multiple sort criteria to be used in the same request by separating them with a comma (e.g., criteria="size ascending, date ascending").


label (required)


The non-localized label to display for this expression.




The tabs on which the sort expression must not be displayed. This property should not be used at the same time as tabs-included.

Set this property as a stringified JSON array, e.g.,

 <atomic-sort-expression tabs-excluded='["tabIDA", "tabIDB"]'></atomic-sort-expression>

If you don’t set this property, the sort expression can be displayed on any tab. Otherwise, the sort expression won’t be displayed on any of the specified tabs.

string | string[]




The tabs on which the sort expression can be displayed. This property should not be used at the same time as tabs-excluded.

Set this property as a stringified JSON array, e.g.,

 <atomic-sort-expression tabs-included='["tabIDA", "tabIDB"]'></atomic-sort-expression snippet>

If you don’t set this property, the sort expression can be displayed on any tab. Otherwise, the sort expression can only be displayed on the specified tabs.

string | string[]
