atomic-result-localized-text (Deprecated)
atomic-result-localized-text (Deprecated)
Atomic v1 has been deprecated. We recommend using the latest version of the Coveo Atomic library. |
The atomic-result-localized-text
component renders a target i18n localized string using the values of a target field.
Given this i18n configuration:
searchInterface.i18n.addResourceBundle('en', 'translation', {
classic_book_advert: 'Classic book from {{name}}',
The component could be configured in such a way to replace {{name}}
with the author
field value from the result item:
<atomic-result-localized-text locale-key="classic_book_advert" field-author="name"></atomic-result-localized-text>
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
The numerical field value used to determine whether to use the singular or plural value of a translation. |
The i18n translation key. |
The field from which to extract the target string and the variable used to map it to the target i18n parameter. For example, the following configuration extracts the value of |