atomic-smart-snippet-feedback-modal (Deprecated)
atomic-smart-snippet-feedback-modal (Deprecated)
Atomic v1 has been deprecated. We recommend using the latest version of the Coveo Atomic library. |
The atomic-smart-snippet-feedback-modal
is automatically created as a child of the atomic-search-interface
when the atomic-smart-snippet
is initialized.
When the modal is opened, the class atomic-modal-opened
is added to the body, allowing further customization.
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
Shadow Parts
Part | Description |
The transparent backdrop hiding the content behind the modal. |
The body of the modal, between the header and the footer. |
The wrapper around the body. |
The wrapper around the cancel and submit buttons. |
The cancel button. |
The modal’s outermost container with the outline and background. |
The input to specify additional details. |
The title above the details input. |
The footer at the bottom of the modal. |
The wrapper with a shadow around the footer. |
The wrapper around the reason and details. |
The header of the modal, containing the title. |
The horizontal ruler underneath the header. |
The wrapper around the header. |
A wrapper around the radio button and the label of a reason. |
A label linked to a radio button representing a reason. |
A radio button representing a reason. |
The title above the reason radio buttons. |
The submit button. |