Upgrade to a newer version
Upgrade to a newer version
To benefit from the latest enhancements and bug fixes of the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework, you might want to upgrade your Coveo JavaScript version to the latest. This article presents the leading practices to follow when doing so.
When upgrading from 0.9 to 1.0 or from 1.x to 2.x, see the appropriate upgrade guidelines:
Ensure that there’s an available update by comparing your current version to the latest released one (see Identifying the Coveo JavaScript Search version).
Review the release notes between the version you’re upgrading from and the version you’re upgrading to (see Coveo JavaScript Search release notes).
In a testing environment, upgrade the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework version.
When using a downloaded static resource, download your desired version from GitHub or npm. The instructions should be on the release note page.
When using a reference to the Coveo CDN, update the link. The appropriate link should be on the release note page.
The CDN always references the latest revision of a minor version.
For example, the CDN for the Coveo JavaScript Search Framework 2.2900 will always point to the latest 2.2900.xx version.
Ensure that your custom code doesn’t include deprecated parameters. If it does, adapt your code accordingly.
To upgrade your production environment, follow the same steps, ensuring that any relevant changes made in the testing environment are transferred properly.
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