V2 2018 releases

This is for:


This page summarizes the new features and bug fixes introduced throughout 2018.

The latest changes are available in Release notes.

October 2018 maintenance release (v2.4710.19)

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2313 00047279 Fixed issue where many ResultsPerPage components in the same search page were not synchronized
JSUI-2320 00047446 Accessibility improvements

October 2018 maintenance release (v2.4710.15)

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-2269 Allow enforcing small, medium, or large responsive mode.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2290 00045855 [Tab] Fixed issue where tab order would change when resizing browser window.
JSUI-2294 00046161 [FieldValue] Fixed localization issue in FieldValue tooltip.
JSUI-2308 00047131 Fixed issue where copying and pasting a search page URL including state information in Outlook wouldn’t render a working hyperlink.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2296 [ResultList] Fixed issue where infinite scroll wouldn’t wait for results to be rendered before requesting additional results
JSUI-2307 Fixed issue where setting cache=0 in the search page URL query string had no effect.

October 2018 release (v2.4710.8)

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4710/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-2139 [Quickview] Fallback to default template when data-template-id value doesn’t match any HTML element in the page.
JSUI-2149 [Folding] Display informative message when folding query triggers an error.
JSUI-2205 Support deferring initialization events for asynchronous component initialization
JSUI-2232 [Accessibility] Allow easy navigation between results
JSUI-2234 [Accessibility] Improve labelling on Sort buttons (for example, Relevance, Date)
JSUI-2235 [Accessibility] Improve search box accessibility
JSUI-2236 [Accessibility] Improve navigation inside facets (that is, between facet values)
JSUI-2237 [Accessibility] Make search page events accessible
JSUI-2249 Add an option to force native JavaScript events on the Dom class
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2223 00044735 [Pager] Fixed issue where component would log incoherent usage analytics events
JSUI-2225 00045180 [Analytics] Fixed issue where analytics endpoint would use incorrect query string parameter
JSUI-2238 00045251 [Tab] Fixed alignment and text overflow issues for smaller displays in responsive mode
JSUI-2241 00045390 Fixed issue where certain highlighted query terms would be rendered twice
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2130 [Omnibox] Fixed issue where interacting with a query suggestion using keyboard Enter key wouldn’t consistently update query as expected
JSUI-2216 [LocalStorageUtils] Fixed issue where window.localStorage undefined exception was not being properly handled
JSUI-2242 [Facet] Fixed issue where Settings icon would stop working on smaller displays in responsive mode

August 2018 maintenance release (v2.4609.8)

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4609/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4609/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4609/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4609/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2222 [SliderFacet] Fixed issue where slider facet would add an invalid advanced query expression to the query and return all results from the index

August 2018 release (v2.4609.6)

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4609/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4609/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4609/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4609/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Release highlights

[JSUI-2112] Customize the no results message

The QuerySummary component now has several new options which allow you to customize the message to display in a search page when a query yields no results.

You can specify a custom message as a simple string through the component markup (see the noResultsFoundMessage and enableNoResultsFoundMessage options), and/or use custom HTML (by including it inside an element with the coveo-show-if-no-results class).

The upcoming JavaScript Interface Editor release will leverage these enhancements to allow easier No results message customization.

[JSUI-2124/2166/2169/2199] WCAG 2.0 AA compliance

Many internal changes were made to various component to ensure that they’re usable by people with vision impairment or other disabilities. Visually, subtle color changes will be noticeable, especially for all clickable elements (for example, ResultLink components).

You may also want to add ARIA landmarks to your search page to make it even more accessible (see Add ARIA landmarks).

[JSUI-2153] Exponential backoff mechanism

This enhancement is aimed at improving end-user experience in some corner-case situations where the Search API would rightfully throttle very fast, successive search requests. Rather than eventually responding with 429 Too Many Requests (that is, Oops, something went wrong), those queries will now typically respond successfully (though somewhat slower).

Full release notes

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-2112 [QuerySummary] Add options to customize the ‘No Results’ message/template.
JSUI-2124 Add ARIA button role to applicable clickable elements.
JSUI-2166 [Omnibox] Add ARIA attributes to combobox/listbox inputs.
JSUI-2169 [Searchbox] Support clearing the search box input with Tab+Enter.
JSUI-2199 [ErrorReport] Improve error report accessibility.
JSUI-2153 Add an exponential backoff mechanism to recover from 429 Too Many Requests response status.
JSUI-2108 [Facet] Log a Custom usage analytics event when a facet sort criteria/direction changes.
JSUI-2172 Add a new, dedicated component option type for options expecting a query expression as a value.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2163 00044139 [SearchInterface] Add options to configure global responsive breakpoints.
JSUI-2159 00044129 Fixed issue where pagination was incorrect if the number of results was modified in the query pipeline.
JSUI-2189 00044483 Reset and hide dependent facet when the parent facet no longer has any selected/excluded values.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2058 [SearchInterface/DidYouMean] Fixed issue where the back button didn’t work as expected with the auto-correction feature.
JSUI-2071 [ResultList] Fixed issue where infinite scroll didn’t detect its actual scrolling container.
JSUI-2074 [OmniboxResultList] Fixed issue where the Omnibox result list was partially hidden in some layouts.
JSUI-2077 [SimpleFilter] Fixed issue that caused an error to be logged in the console when interacting with simple filters.
JSUI-2137 [Facet] Fixed issue where a facet with a custom ID was unable to read its state .
JSUI-2155 Fixed issue where the debug panel didn’t function properly when used in a page of results other than the first.
JSUI-2181 [DateUtils] Fixed issue where the dateTimeToString method didn’t correctly apply its predefined format.
JSUI-2187 [ResultActionMenu] Fixed issue where the results action menu didn’t stay opened when clicked.

July 2018 maintenance (v2.4382.16)

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4382/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4382/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4382/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4382/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-2156 [Facet] Fixed issue where query override was added even when not required.
JSUI-2170 Fixed infinite loading issue when search box was empty and allowQueriesWithoutKeywords option was set to true.
JSUI-2177 Fixed responsive issue caused by resize event listeners being called too soon.
JSUI-2188 Fixed potential corner case issues with allowQueriesWithoutKeywords option.

July 2018 release (v2.4382.10)

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4382/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4382/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4382/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4382/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-1962 Update the style of the SimpleFilter component.
JSUI-1987 Show keyword location in the scrollbar when opening the Quick view.
JSUI-2004 Show query suggestions as soon as someone selects the search box.
JSUI-2007 Increase size of the debug panel when in small search interfaces, such as the Insight Panel.
JSUI-2013 Add components to visually identify Featured and Recommended results.
JSUI-2025 Support many sort criteria for a single query.
JSUI-2054 Make all Standard and Doctype Lightning Design System icons available for templates.
JSUI-2055 Implement the ResultActionMenu component.
JSUI-2059 Remove default Slack result template.
JSUI-2090 Ensure selecting a tab with a single result layout disables the result layout selector.
JSUI-2093 [Relevance Inspector] Add the lq to the execution report.
Issue number Case Maintenance case
JSUI-2046 00042378 Changed behavior of the QuerySummary component with infinite scrolling. It now displays the total number of results returned instead of the result range.
JSUI-2096 00043138 [Android] Fixed issue preventing facet search from being used when the keyboard appears.
JSUI-2099 00043183 [Facet Slider] Fixed issue where the range was reset to the user selection when refreshing the page.
JSUI-2109 00043454 Ensured the highlight span was always disabled when query syntax is disabled.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-1975 [Facet Slider] Fixed issue where sliding the bar and refreshing the search page would remove the color from the bottom bar.
JSUI-2005 [Folding] Ensure children results are sorted according to the rearrange option when available.
JSUI-2014 Fixed issue where an error would occur when using the SimpleFilter component and clearing the breadcrumbs.
JSUI-2022 Fixed issue where passing the option to open the result links using the Quick view during initialization didn’t work.
JSUI-2033 [Elasticsearch] Fixed issue causing the quickview to be unavailable.
JSUI-2069 Fixed issue where the facet slider was not updated when a query returned no results.
JSUI-2075 [Facet Slider] Fixed issue where accessing the responsive mode would remove the color from the bottom bar.
JSUI-2076 Fixed misalignment issue of the icon in the Chatter card layout template.
JSUI-2086 Realigned the x button in the hidden query component.
JSUI-2091 Fixed issue preventing fields with underscore characters from being used as data-field conditions on result templates.
JSUI-2092 Fixed text overflow issues in the Relevance Inspector.
JSUI-2107 [Google Drive] Fixed template overlap issue with the filetype default icon.

May 2018 release (v2.4094.8)

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4094/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4094/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4094/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.4094/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Enhancement
JSUI-1705 [Folding] Replace the parentField and childField parameters to child and parent respectively. The legacy parameters are still functional. [Learn more]
JSUI-1932 Ensure that the displayed values of date range facets are more consistent.
JSUI-1948 Implement the facet value suggestion component. [Learn more]
JSUI-1953 Implement the Relevance Inspector. [Learn more]
JSUI-1970 Ensure facet section is removed when no facet is available for the selected tab.
JSUI-2016 Support dynamic script paths to the Coveo resources. [Learn more]
JSUI-2051 Improve facet search by using full wildcards.
JSUI-1960 [Querybox] Change triggerQueryOnClear default value to false.
Issue number Maintenance case
JSUI-1958 [Internet Explorer 11] Fixed issue causing field suggestions and omnibox result list to disappear when clicking inside the search box.
JSUI-2038 Fixed issue where the search box borders would disappear when zooming out.
JSUI-2039 [Internet Explorer 11] Fixed issue where the page would return to the top when selecting a value from the facet.
Issue number Bug fix
JSUI-1841 Fixed issue where the selecting the card layout would prevent the omniboxResutlist from working properly.
JSUI-1881 Fixed issue where the facet slider was not responsive when resizing the window.
JSUI-1904 [Interface Editor] Fixed issue where the header was hidden when resizing the window.
JSUI-1906 Ensure that the recommendation component is hidden when there are no results.
JSUI-1908 Fixed styling causing the SimpleFilter component to be bigger when it contained the number of selected items.
JSUI-1942 [Responsive mode] Fixed issue where the sort component wouldn’t collapse when collapsing the facet section.
JSUI-1971 Fixed issue where the Omnibox Facet component didn’t have the correct styling after having been selected.
JSUI-1974 Fixed issue where the pager didn’t state the correct number for the first result when the query was overridden in the backend.
JSUI-1977 Added missing default icons for some filetypes.
JSUI-1984 Fixed issue where the query would be deleted before it was performed when clicking outside of the search box.
JSUI-1988 Fixed facet arrow alignment issue with the SimpleFilter component.
JSUI-2028 Ensure that the facet count is removed when there are no results.
JSUI-2031 Fixed issue where URL hash was overwritten even when the URL hash had not changed on first load.
This issue caused some Salesforce communities to continually reload when enabling the history controller.
JSUI-2044 Removed Download button from the debug panel.
JSUI-2056 Fixed issue where the Google Drive default template icon was improperly rendered.
JSUI-2057 Fixed issue where the YouTube default template displayed an extra breadcrumb.

February 2018 maintenance release (v2.3826.13)

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.3826/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.3826/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.3826/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.3826/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Bug fix

Fixed issue causing root-relative URLs to be misinterpreted by the framework.

February 2018 release (v2.3826.10)

To download this release:

Resource Script to include
Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (minified)
<!-- Coveo JavaScript Search Framework (with lazy loading) -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.3826/js/CoveoJsSearch.Lazy.min.js"></script>
<!-- If you prefer to use the eager loading version, use the following link instead -->
<script class="coveo-script" src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.3826/js/CoveoJsSearch.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.3826/css/CoveoFullSearch.css"/>
Result templates
<script src="https://static.cloud.coveo.com/searchui/v2.3826/js/templates/templates.js"></script>

For more available resources, see CDN links.

Issue number Enhancement

Log Usage Analytics events when querying directly from the URL.


[Mobile] Increase MobilePreference panel when in Landscape view.


[CDN] Host minified version of the CoveoFullSearch.css.


Add option to prevent queries without entering keywords.


[Date Range] Add default values for the Date Range facet for easier implementations.


Ensure new queries scroll the page back to the top of the search interface, not the top of the page.


Rename ResultLayout component to ResultLayoutSelector, while still supporting the two names.

JSUI-1957 Detect existing implementing in the promise polyfill.
Issue number Bug fix

[Date Facet] Ensured selected dates stay in chronological order even when selected.


[Debug Panel] Ensured text is shown properly for smaller screens.


[Recommendations] Ensured the recommendation panel disappeared properly when there are no recommendations.


[Quickview] Fixed issue where analytics were not logged when clicking a custom quickview.


[Facet Slider] Fixed issue causing the facet slider to overflow to the search results when switching between a small to a larger screen.


[Coveo Analytics] Fixed issue causing the endpoint to have double slashes when sent to the Coveo Usage Analytics.


Fixed issue where the search interface would stop working when entering specially crafted invalid unicode characters.


Fixed styling in the Preferences panel for result links.


Fixed issue causing reachedEndOfResult value to be inaccurate when not in infinite scrolling.


[Facet] Fixed issue causing the option button to not be centered.


[SearchBox] Fixed issue with the SearchBox where the field autocompletion wouldn't add the @ character before the field name.

JSUI-1944 Fixed issue where the analytics token was not always taken from the search interface endpoint.

Fixed issue where renewing an expired access token didn't renew the analytics token.


[Responsive mode] Fixed issue where responsive mode wouldn't always activate when resizing a window.


Fixed issue where HTML element arrays were not merged properly.

JSUI-1978 [Search Alert] Fixed issue where changing the subscription frequency was not properly updated.