Manage organization notifications
Manage organization notifications
- Add or edit an organization notification
- Disable or enable an organization notification
- Test an organization notification
- Delete an organization notification
- Review the usage statistics of an organization notification
- Review the activity regarding notifications
- Subscription status
- Required privileges
On the Notifications (platform-ca
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page, you can configure notifications to be informed when certain events (activities) occur in your organization.
For example, you could choose to receive an email when a source fails to rebuild.
These periodical customized reports allow you to watch closely certain events, errors, or changes in your organization.
The organization notifications you set up on the Notifications (platform-ca
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page are similar to the user notifications one can configure, but offer additional options.
As an administrator, on the Notifications
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page, you can configure notifications to be sent via a webhook or JSON email, rather than in a classic email.
Moreover, this page displays all organization and user notifications created by your organization users.
Unlike user notifications, organization subscriptions aren’t deleted when their author is deleted from the organization. They remain active and keep sending reports to the specified webhook or email address. Hence, users wanting to receive notifications for their own use should create a user notification. Temporary users and administrators wanting to receive the notifications as JSON content or as a post to an endpoint should create an organization notification.
Add or edit an organization notification
The Add/Edit a Notification panel allows you to configure a new organization notification or modify an existing one to be informed when certain events (activities) occur in your organization. For example, you could choose to receive an email when a source fails to rebuild. These periodical customized reports allow you to watch closely certain events, errors, or changes in your organization.
On the Notifications
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page, click Add Notification in the upper-right corner or click the notification to edit, and then click Edit in the Action bar.
In the Add/Edit a Notification panel, in the Name box, enter a name for your user notification. This name is displayed on the Notifications
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page.
Optionally, in the Description box, enter a description for your notification.
In the Notification frequency dropdown menu, select the frequency at which you want to receive email notifications:
Instantly: You receive an email notification immediately and can receive many a day.
Hourly: You receive an email notification every hour, on the hour.
Daily: You receive an email notification every day at 8:00 PM.
Weekly: You receive an email notification every week on Saturday at 8:00 PM.
Under Notification type, select how you want to receive your notifications. Available options are Email, Email in JSON format, and Webhook. The latter posts notifications to the endpoint you provide in the Service URL box.
When selecting email notifications, set a Sender display name to easily identify the Coveo organization notifications in your inbox.
JSON email and webhook notifications are sent in a format similar to the following:
{ "id": "vr5h2iu3xp3sifbptrxovc2mkq", "operation": "REBUILD", "state": "EXECUTED", "result": "ERROR", "content": {}, "createDate": 1511371291987, "startDate": 1511371291987, "triggeredBy": { "displayName": "" }, "organizationId": "mycoveocloudv2organizationg8tp8wu3", "resourceName": "Generated test activity", "resourceType": "SOURCE" }
In the JSON filter section, edit the JSON to specify of what you want to be notified. See Organization Notification JSON Filter Reference.
You want to be notified of changes regarding API keys. You configure a notification as follows:
{ "content":{}, "operations":[ "ENABLE", "CREATE", "CONFIG_CHANGE", "DISABLE", "DELETE" ], "resourceTypes":[ "API_KEY" ], "resultTypes":[ "*" ] }
You want to be notified when the update of a specific source fails. You provide the following JSON filter, which specifies the ID of the desired source:
{ "content":{ "sourceID": "myorganization-uno82hsP6agH5i3rl3cjea" }, "operations":[ "REFRESH", "FULL_REFRESH", "REBUILD" ], "resourceTypes":[ "SOURCE" ], "resultTypes":[ "ERROR" ] }
Click Add Notification or Save.
Disable or enable an organization notification
When you want Coveo to stop sending email notifications without deleting the corresponding notification configuration, you can disable it. To start receiving these notifications again, you can enable them again.
Notifications can also be automatically disabled if they encounter too many errors.
You then receive a Coveo Cloud Notification Disabled
email listing possible solutions.
Once you’ve fixed the issue, you can re-enable notifications to start receiving them again.
On the Notifications (platform-ca
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page, click the notification to disable/enable, and then click More > Disable/Enable in the Action bar.
Test an organization notification
You can test a notification to ensure that you receive the expected information. For example, you may want to check that your webhook receives your notifications, or that email notifications aren’t sent to your spam folder.
On the Notifications (platform-ca
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page, click the notification to test, and then click More > Test in the Action bar.
Delete an organization notification
On the Notifications (platform-ca
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page, click the notification to delete, and then click More > Delete in the Action bar.
Review the usage statistics of an organization notification
You can review the number of successes, failures, errors, and cancellations related to a notification for troubleshooting purposes.
To review the usage statistics of an organization notification, on the Notifications (platform-ca
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page, click the notification to review, and then click Usage Statistics in the Action bar.
The Usage Statistics panel displays the following information:
Number of successes: Number of times today that the notification was successfully processed and sent to the expected email addresses or service URLs.
Number of failures: Number of times today that the email or webhook server to which the notification was sent returned an error or couldn’t be reached.
Number of errors: Number of times today that an unexpected error occurred while Coveo was processing the notification.
Number of cancellations: Number of times today that the activity related to the notification occurred but didn’t cause a notification to be sent (for example, the Daily email notifications limit was reached).
Review the activity regarding notifications
As part of your duties, you may need to review activities related to notifications for investigation or troubleshooting purposes.
To do so, in the upper-right corner of the Notifications (platform-ca
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page, click
See Review resource activity for details on activities and alternative ways to access this information.
Subscription status
The Notifications (platform-ca
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page displays the status of each notification subscription in the Status column.
The indicator shown is based on the notification error rate, that is, the number of notifications that couldn’t be sent due to an error, a failure, or a cancellation divided by the total number of notification attempts since the notification was configured (see Review the Usage Statistics of an organization notification). Coveo considers that a notification can’t be sent when the email bounces back or when a webhook is down, for example. The indicator is updated every five minutes.
The error rate may be reset if no notification has been sent in a long time. The status then returns to Unknown. |
Use this indicator to identify notifications that encounter frequent issues.
The possible values are:
Unknown (Grey indicator)
This indicates that no notification has been sent yet.
Good (Green indicator)
This indicates that less than 5% of the notifications couldn’t be sent successfully.
Warning (Yellow indicator)
This indicates that between 5 and 20% of the notifications couldn’t be sent successfully. Occasional issues may have occurred, or your email or webhook server might have been unreachable recently.
Problematic (Red indicator)
This indicates that more than 20% of the notifications couldn’t be sent successfully. Regular issues may have occurred, or your email or webhook server might have been unreachable recently.
A webhook notification is successfully sent on the first nine attempts following its creation. The error rate is therefore 0%, that is, 0 notifications that couldn’t be sent out of 9 delivery attempts. The notification status is Good.
On the tenth attempt, your server is down, and the delivery process fails. The error date is then 10%, that is, 1 failure out of 10 attempts. The notification status is Warning.
Your server is back up and the notification delivery process is successful again. On the 21st attempt, the notification error rate falls under 5% (1 failure out of 21 attempts), and the notification status changes back to Good.
Required privileges
The following table indicates the privileges required to view or edit elements of the Notifications (platform-ca
| platform-eu
| platform-au
) page and associated panels (see Manage privileges and Privilege reference).
Action | Service - Domain | Required access level |
View notifications |
Organization - Notifications |
View |
Edit notifications |
Organization - Activities |
View |
Organization - Notifications |
Edit |
A member with the View access level on the Activities domain can access the Activity Browser. This member can therefore see all activities taking place in the organization, including those from Coveo Administration Console pages that they can’t access. |