Interface FieldActionCreators

The field action creators.

See Dispatch actions.

interface FieldActionCreators {
    disableFetchAllFields(): { payload: void; type: string };
    enableFetchAllFields(): { payload: void; type: string };
    fetchFieldsDescription(): AsyncThunkAction<
        fields: string[],
    ): { payload: string[]; type: string };


  • Enable fetch all fields from the index.

    This should not be used in any production environment, as it can have a negative impact on query execution time.

    Should be used for debugging purposes.

    Returns { payload: void; type: string }

    A dispatchable action.

  • Registers the fields to include in the query response.


    • fields: string[]

      The target fields (e.g., ["field1", "field2"]).

    Returns { payload: string[]; type: string }

    A dispatchable action.