Interface CommerceSearchParameters

The parameters affecting the search response.

interface CommerceSearchParameters {
    cf?: Record<string, string[]>;
    df?: Record<string, DateRangeRequest[]>;
    dfExcluded?: Record<string, DateRangeRequest[]>;
    f?: Record<string, string[]>;
    fExcluded?: Record<string, string[]>;
    lf?: Record<string, string[]>;
    mnf?: Record<string, NumericRangeRequest[]>;
    mnfExcluded?: Record<string, NumericRangeRequest[]>;
    nf?: Record<string, NumericRangeRequest[]>;
    nfExcluded?: Record<string, NumericRangeRequest[]>;
    page?: number;
    perPage?: number;
    q?: string;
    sortCriteria?: SortCriterion;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


cf?: Record<string, string[]>

A record of the category facets, where the key is the facet id, and the value is an array containing the parts of the selected path.

df?: Record<string, DateRangeRequest[]>

A record of the date facets, where the key is the facet id, and the value is an array containing the selected date ranges.

dfExcluded?: Record<string, DateRangeRequest[]>

A record of the date facets, where the key is the facet id, and the value is an array containing the excluded date ranges.

f?: Record<string, string[]>

A record of the facets, where the key is the facet id, and the value is an array containing the selected values.

fExcluded?: Record<string, string[]>

A record of the facets, where the key is the facet id, and the value is an array containing the excluded values.

lf?: Record<string, string[]>

A record of the location facets, where the key is the facet id, and the value is an array containing the selected values.

mnf?: Record<string, NumericRangeRequest[]>

A record of manual numeric facets, where the key is the facet id, and the the value is an array containing the selected manual numeric ranges.

mnfExcluded?: Record<string, NumericRangeRequest[]>

A record of manual numeric facets, where the key is the facet id, and the value is an array containing the excluded manual numeric ranges.

nf?: Record<string, NumericRangeRequest[]>

A record of the numeric facets, where the key is the facet id, and the value is an array containing the selected numeric ranges.

nfExcluded?: Record<string, NumericRangeRequest[]>

A record of the numeric facets, where the key is the facet id, and the value is an array containing the excluded numeric ranges.

page?: number

The zero-based index of the active page.

perPage?: number

The number of results per page.

q?: string

The query.

sortCriteria?: SortCriterion

The sort expression to order returned results by.