answerThe generated answer.
answerThe answer configuration unique identifier.
answerThe content format of the generated answer. Possible values are:
Whether an answer cannot be generated after a query is executed.
The document snippets retrieved to generate the answer.
Determines if the generated answer is disliked, or downvoted by the end user.
errorThe generated answer error.
Whether the answer is expanded.
Determines if the feedback modal is currently opened.
Determines if the generated answer feedback was submitted.
A list of indexed fields to include in the citations returned with the generated answer.
Determines if the answer is generated.
Determines if the generated answer is enabled.
Determines if the generated answer is loading.
Determines if the generated answer is streaming.
Determines if the generated answer is visible.
Determines if the generated answer is liked, or upvoted by the end user.
The desired format options for the generated answer.
A scoped and simplified part of the headless state that is relevant to the