Interface GeneratedAnswerProps

interface GeneratedAnswerProps {
    answerConfigurationId?: string;
    fieldsToIncludeInCitations?: string[];
    initialState?: {
        expanded?: boolean;
        isEnabled?: boolean;
        isVisible?: boolean;
        responseFormat?: GeneratedResponseFormat;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


answerConfigurationId?: string

The answer configuration ID used to leverage coveo answer management capabilities.

fieldsToIncludeInCitations?: string[]

A list of indexed fields to include in the citations returned with the generated answer.

initialState?: {
    expanded?: boolean;
    isEnabled?: boolean;
    isVisible?: boolean;
    responseFormat?: GeneratedResponseFormat;

Type declaration

  • Optionalexpanded?: boolean

    The initial expanded state of the generated answer.

  • OptionalisEnabled?: boolean

    Sets the component enabled state on load.

  • OptionalisVisible?: boolean

    Sets the component visibility state on load.

  • OptionalresponseFormat?: GeneratedResponseFormat

    The initial formatting options applied to generated answers when the controller first loads.