Interface CoreFacetState

A scoped and simplified part of the headless state that is relevant to the Facet controller.

interface CoreFacetState {
    canShowLessValues: boolean;
    canShowMoreValues: boolean;
    enabled: boolean;
    facetId: string;
    hasActiveValues: boolean;
    isLoading: boolean;
    label?: string;
    sortCriterion: FacetSortCriterion;
    tabs?: { excluded?: string[]; included?: string[] };
    values: FacetValue[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


canShowLessValues: boolean

true if fewer values can be displayed and false otherwise.

canShowMoreValues: boolean

true if there are more values to display and false otherwise.

enabled: boolean

Whether the facet is enabled and its values are used to filter search results.

facetId: string

The facet ID.

hasActiveValues: boolean

true if there is at least one non-idle value and false otherwise.

isLoading: boolean

true if a search is in progress and false otherwise.

label?: string

The name to display if this field is used by the Facet Generator in your interface. See Change Facet Generator options.

sortCriterion: FacetSortCriterion

The active sortCriterion of the facet.

tabs?: { excluded?: string[]; included?: string[] }

The tabs on which the facet should be enabled or disabled.

values: FacetValue[]

The values of the facet.