The GeneratedAnswer controller uses Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) models to automatically generate an answer to a query executed by the user.
Closes the modal to provide feedback about why the generated answer was not relevant.
Collapses the generated answer.
Disables the generated answer.
Marks the generated answer as not relevant to the end user.
Enables the generated answer.
Expands the generated answer.
Hides the generated answer.
Indicates that the generated answer met the user expectations.
Logs a custom event indicating a cited source link was clicked.
The ID of the clicked citation.
Logs a custom event indicating a cited source link was hovered.
The number of milliseconds spent hovering over the citation.
Logs a custom event indicating the generated answer was copied to the clipboard.
Opens the modal to provide feedback about why the generated answer was not relevant.
Re-executes the last query to generate an answer.
Sends feedback about why the generated answer was not relevant.
The feedback that the end user wishes to send.
Displays the generated answer.
Adds a callback that's invoked on state change.
A callback that's invoked on state change.
A function to remove the listener.
The state of the GeneratedAnswer controller.
controller uses Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) models to automatically generate an answer to a query executed by the user.