Preprocesses the query for the current headless state, and retrieves a redirection URL if a redirect trigger was fired in the query pipeline.
The action creator payload.
A dispatchable action.
Registers a standalone search box.
The action creator payload.
A dispatchable action.
Resets the standalone search box state. To be dispatched on single page applications after the redirection has been triggered.
The action creator payload.
A dispatchable action.
Updates the standalone search box analytics data to reflect a search submitted by selecting a query suggestion.
The action creator payload.
A dispatchable action.
Updates the standalone search box analytics data to reflect a search submitted using the search box.
The action creator payload.
A dispatchable action.
Updates the redirection URL of the standalone search box.
The action creator payload.
A dispatchable action.
The standalone search box set action creators.