Interface CoreEngine<State, ExtraArguments, Configuration>

interface CoreEngine<
    State extends object = {},
    ExtraArguments extends ThunkExtraArguments = ThunkExtraArguments,
    Configuration extends CoreConfigurationState = CoreConfigurationState,
> {
    dispatch: EngineDispatch<
        State & { configuration: Configuration; version: string } & Partial<
    logger: Logger;
    navigatorContext: NavigatorContext;
    relay: Relay;
    state: State & { configuration: Configuration; version: string } & Partial<
    store: EnhancedStore;
        reducers: { [key: string]: Reducer<any, UnknownAction, any> },
    ): void;
    disableAnalytics(): void;
    enableAnalytics(): void;
    subscribe(listener: () => void): Unsubscribe;

Type Parameters

  • State extends object = {}
  • ExtraArguments extends ThunkExtraArguments = ThunkExtraArguments
  • Configuration extends CoreConfigurationState = CoreConfigurationState


  • Adds the specified reducers to the store.


    • reducers: { [key: string]: Reducer<any, UnknownAction, any> }

      An object containing the reducers to attach to the engine.

    Returns void

  • Disable analytics tracking

    Returns void

  • Enable analytics tracking

    Returns void

  • Adds a change listener. It will be called any time an action is dispatched, and some part of the state tree may potentially have changed. You may then access the new state.


    • listener: () => void

      A callback to be invoked on every dispatch.

    Returns Unsubscribe

    A function to remove this change listener.


dispatch: EngineDispatch<
    State & { configuration: Configuration; version: string } & Partial<

Dispatches an action directly. This is the only way to trigger a state change. Each headless controller dispatches its own actions.

An action supported by the headless engine.

For convenience, the action object that was just dispatched.

logger: Logger

The logger instance used by headless.

navigatorContext: NavigatorContext

The navigator context (referer, location, UserAgent)

relay: Relay

The Relay instance used by Headless.

state: State & { configuration: Configuration; version: string } & Partial<

The complete headless state tree.

store: EnhancedStore

The redux store.