The FieldSuggestions controller provides query suggestions based on a particular facet field.

For example, you could use this controller to provide auto-completion suggestions while the end user is typing an item title.

This controller is a wrapper around the basic facet controller search functionality, and thus exposes similar options and properties.

Example: field-suggestions.fn.tsx

interface FieldSuggestions {
    state: FieldSuggestionsState;
    clear(): void;
    search(): void;
    select(value: FieldSuggestionsValue): void;
    showMoreResults(): void;
    singleSelect(value: FieldSuggestionsValue): void;
    subscribe(listener: () => void): Unsubscribe;
    updateCaptions(captions: Record<string, string>): void;
    updateText(text: string): void;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • Resets the query and empties the suggestions.

    Returns void

  • Requests field suggestions based on a query.

    Returns void

  • Filters the search using the specified value.

    If a facet exists with the configured facetId, selects the corresponding facet value.


    Returns void

  • Shows more field suggestions for the current query.

    Returns void

  • Filters the search using the specified value, deselecting others.

    If a facet exists with the configured facetId, selects the corresponding facet value while deselecting other facet values.


    Returns void

  • Adds a callback that's invoked on state change.


    • listener: () => void

      A callback that's invoked on state change.

    Returns Unsubscribe

    A function to remove the listener.

  • Updates the captions of field suggestions.


    • captions: Record<string, string>

      A dictionary that maps field values to field suggestion display names.

    Returns void

  • Requests field suggestions based on a query.


    • text: string

      The query to search.

    Returns void
