A scoped and simplified part of the headless state that's relevant to the BreadcrumbManager controller.

Hierarchy (View Summary)


automaticFacetBreadcrumbs: AutomaticFacetBreadcrumb[]

The list of automatic facet breadcrumbs.

categoryFacetBreadcrumbs: CategoryFacetBreadcrumb[]

The list of category facet breadcrumbs.

dateFacetBreadcrumbs: DateFacetBreadcrumb[]

The list of date facet breadcrumbs.

facetBreadcrumbs: FacetBreadcrumb[]

The list of specific facet breadcrumbs.

hasBreadcrumbs: boolean

Returns true if there are any available breadcrumbs (i.e., if there are any active facet values), and false if not.

numericFacetBreadcrumbs: NumericFacetBreadcrumb[]

The list of numeric facet breadcrumbs.

staticFilterBreadcrumbs: StaticFilterBreadcrumb[]

The list of static filter breadcrumbs.