The options defining a NumericFilter.

interface NumericFilterOptions {
    facetId?: string;
    field: string;
    filterFacetCount?: boolean;
    injectionDepth?: number;
    tabs?: { excluded?: string[]; included?: string[] };


facetId?: string

A unique identifier for the controller. By default, a unique random ID is generated.

field: string

The field whose values you want to display in the filter.

filterFacetCount?: boolean

Whether to exclude folded result parents when estimating the result count for each facet value.

Note: Resulting count is only an estimation, in some cases this value could be incorrect.


injectionDepth?: number

The maximum number of results to scan in the index to ensure that the facet lists all potential facet values.

Note: A high injectionDepth may negatively impact the facet request performance.

Minimum: 0


tabs?: { excluded?: string[]; included?: string[] }

The tabs on which the facet should be enabled or disabled.