Coveo for Zendesk overview
Coveo for Zendesk overview
The Coveo™ for Zendesk integration connects your Coveo organization to your Zendesk instance.
This integration enhances the Zendesk user experience through AI-driven recommendations brought directly to the user through relevant and personalized search results. By accessing current and historical data, Coveo gathers relevant information relating to Zendesk tickets, articles, and more.

The collected information unifies knowledge and data, and provides relevant recommendations that help agents and end users answer customer requests.
Coveo for Zendesk offers two types of integrations: an agent integration for Zendesk Support and a self-service integration for Zendesk Guide. Both options offer an AI-powered search experience which provides users with content relevant to their queries and context.
What’s next?
Learn about the Coveo for Zendesk architecture and how it connects Coveo to your Zendesk instance.