Implementation guide
Implementation guide
Content indexing and search is a mature market. Several solutions, both open source and proprietary, have paved the way to modern search and are now competing for best performance and reliability under all circumstances. Relevance, however, is still a relatively new concept in this market, and knowledge around this notion is therefore quickly and continuously evolving.
Coveo PDF guides
There are two available Coveo PDF guides.
The Coveo Platform architecture guide explains the core concepts of the Coveo Platform you need to understand when scoping and planning a Coveo implementation. It’s aimed principally at project managers and solution architects working with Coveo for the first time.
The Coveo Platform implementation guide goes deeper on some of those concepts, and walks you through the best practices for the initial implementation. It’s aimed at solution architects and developers.
These PDFs should be used as a complement to the rest of this guide and documentation, not as a replacement. They’re great resources to help you learn the basics in a streamlined fashion before jumping into more specific topics.
Guide overview
This guide provides advice, leading practices, and links to technical documentation to help you plan, develop, deploy, and maintain a successful search solution that eventually reaches the highest stage of the Coveo Relevance Maturity Model™ (CRMM). The tips and tricks in these guidelines are based on the experience of Coveo experts who have worked on multiple search integrations with the Coveo Platform.
While technical expertise with the Coveo Platform or with other content indexing solutions such as Solr, Lucene, Azure Search, or Elasticsearch can be useful in following this guide, it’s by no means required. |
About the Coveo Relevance Maturity Model
Helps you visualize your journey towards predictive relevance.
Outlines the steps to conduct a successful search project.
Evaluate the project time frame
Presents the key activities of the IDEAS methodology and factors to consider when evaluating a project duration.
Guides you through the creation of a Coveo organization and gives an overview of some common interactions with the Coveo Platform.
Offers tips and tricks on how to maintain a clean and up-to-date index.
Helps you build search interfaces aimed at satisfying the needs and expectations of your end users.
Explains how to leverage query pipelines and Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) to continuously improve your solution.
Lists some of the most frequently made mistakes in a search project and explains how to avoid them.
Evaluate your implementation before going live (checklist)
Explains the crucial validations to make before deploying your Coveo-powered solution so you can better leverage the advantages of Coveo Usage Analytics (Coveo UA) and Coveo ML.