Design the search experience
Design the search experience
This section focuses on the searching phase of your search project:
A search interface is a point of contact between your end users and your Coveo organization. In addition to allowing end users to find content by performing queries against your index, a search interface can record their interactions by logging different types of usage analytics events. You can then leverage this data to generate dashboards and reports. You can also use it to feed your Coveo Machine Learning (Coveo ML) models and ensure that your search solution provides continuously improving relevance.
A complete search experience may include one or more search interfaces aimed at satisfying the needs and expectations of your end users. You should use the Coveo Atomic library to build your search interfaces. Its features and components greatly ease the handling of queries and UA events.
If you intend to use your own search UI components with the Coveo Platform, then you should build your search interfaces with the Coveo Headless library. |
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