Resetting a Push Source

Resetting a Push Source can be useful in instances where the data has become corrupted or when you want to clear out content/items.

There are two methods that you can use to reset a Push Source.

Resetting a Push Source Using the Push API

The simplest (and typically recommended) method of resetting a Push source is to use the Delete Old Items in a Push Source Push API operation (see Deleting Old Items in a Push Source).

Unless you’ve been setting your own orderingId values when pushing content updates to the Push source you want to reset, you should set the orderingId of your delete older than operation to the current number of milliseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, without adding any offset. Otherwise, you risk irremediably breaking that Push source.

For example, if you use an orderingId set ten years in the future when making your delete older than operation, the indexing pipeline will keep rejecting new items pushed to the source for the next ten years. If you make that mistake, there’s nothing left to do but to recreate the source (see Recreating a Push Source from Its Raw Configuration).

If you need to reset a Push source managed by the Coveo for Sitecore integration or by the Coveo Crawling Module, you must recreate the source instead (see Recreating a Push Source from Its Raw Configuration).

Recreating a Push Source from Its Raw Configuration

Sometimes, using a delete older than operation to reset a Push source is simply not an option. For example, when dealing with a Push source managed by the Coveo for Sitecore integration or by the Coveo Crawling Module, the orderingId has an opaque value. For this reason, performing manual Push API operations on these sources isn’t recommended, as it can cause critical consistency issues (see About the orderingId Parameter). In such cases, you must replace the Push source you want to reset by a new source replicating the original one.

To recreate a Push source from its raw configuration:

  1. Make a backup of the entire original source configuration.

    Retrieve the raw JSON configuration of your source with the Get the raw configuration of a source Source API operation.

    Ensure that the request was successful (status code 200) and that you have safely stored the entire response body before proceeding on to the next step. Otherwise, you could permanently lose your original source configuration.

  2. Delete the original source.

    Delete the source with the Delete a source Source API operation, or through the Coveo Administration Console (see Delete an Existing Source).

  3. Create a new source with the exact same configuration as the original source.

    Replicate the original source using the Create a source from raw configuration Source API operation. Use the raw JSON configuration retrieved in step 1 as your request body.