Filter rules for product listing pages

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In the Coveo Merchandising Hub (CMH), merchandisers can define filter rules to control the products that are displayed on product listing pages (PLPs).

Filter rules allow merchandisers to define conditions that products must meet to be displayed or hidden on PLPs. For example, when creating a listing page for a specific brand, a merchandiser would create a filter rule to target only products from that brand.

Filter rules can apply to all PLPs or to a specific PLP. They can also be scheduled to apply at specific times, allowing merchandisers to plan and execute their strategies more effectively.

Listing page filter rule screenshot | Coveo

Use case examples

Filter rules can be used to address a variety of use cases. Here are a few examples:

  • Create extended category PLPs: Use include rules to create PLPs that display products from multiple related categories. For example, you want to create a PLP that showcases both Women’s Running Shoes and Women’s Sports Accessories, you can set a filter to include products from both categories. This ensures that customers see a wider range of relevant products within the same PLP.

  • Hide out-of-stock products: Use exclude rules to exclude products from PLPs that are out of stock. For example, improve the customer experience by only showing available products, you can set an exclude filter where the stock status is defined as Out of stock. This way, any products that are out of stock will be automatically hidden from PLPs, preventing customers from encountering unavailable items.


To create rules, merchandisers must ensure they have properly configured their query pipeline and chosen the correct tracking ID to ensure that their changes impact the intended listing pages.

Create a filter rule

There are two types of filter rules that you can create. Depending on the type of filter rule you want to create, refer to the following articles for specific instructions:

  • Include: Products that meet the conditions will be displayed on PLPs.

  • Exclude: Products that meet the conditions will be hidden from PLPs.