Trigger Indexing

The Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector supports the following indexing use cases:


Apply your mapping configurations on both author and publish instances to ensure shortened resource URLs are indexed and that resource content is found.

Listening to Author Instance Events

The Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector listens to publishing events originating from the author instance to automatically trigger the indexing of documents. Document unpublishing and deletion events on the author instance are also detected by the connector. The connector then deletes the given document from your Coveo index.

  • The Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector must be properly configured and enabled for this to work.

  • The connector doesn’t handle publish instance deletion events. If you delete a document on the publish instance, it won’t be deleted from your Coveo index.

  • You can index page related assets through a publishing action in the Adobe Experience Manager assets console or by performing a rebuild. Ensure your assets match a root path defined in the connector configuration.

  • When unpublishing pages, don’t use the Include Children option. This only generates unnecessary calls. Even when Include Children isn’t selected, the children of the target page get unpublished automatically. This is consistent with Adobe Experience Manager unpublishing behavior.

    Don’t select the Include Children option when unpublishing

Running an Adobe Experience Manager Workflow

The workflow models you created let you either index all your site content or a specific page and its children.

Performing a Rebuild of Your Adobe Experience Manager Content


To index using this method, you need a properly configured and enabled connector and a workflow model.

The coveo-rebuild workflow model considers the source root paths that you configured.

Specifying a payload when running the workflow is mandatory, though that payload isn’t actually used by the workflow.

To perform a rebuild of your Adobe Experience Manager content

  1. On the publish instance, in the Workflow Models screen, select the Coveo Rebuild workflow.

  2. In the top menu, select Start Workflow.

  3. In the Run Workflow panel, enter any value in the Payload field (for example, /) and click Run.

    Running the Coveo Rebuild workflow

Indexing a Specific Page and Its Children


To index using this method, you need a properly configured and enabled connector and a workflow model.

Use this method to index the page you select and its children.


You can index the related assets through a publishing action in the Adobe Experience Manager assets console or by performing a rebuild. Ensure your assets match a root path defined in the connector configuration.

To index a specific page and its children

  1. On the publish instance, navigate to the Adobe Experience Manager sites console.

  2. Select the root page to index. The Coveo Reindex button will appear in the top menu.

  3. Click Coveo Reindex.

    Triggering indexing using the Coveo Reindex button

A short time later, the pages under the selected root page that match a root path should appear in your Content Browser (platform-ca | platform-eu | platform-au).

Connector Logs

Coveo provides daily connector log files in the publish instance logs folder, with the undated coveo-connector.log file being the most recent.

The connector logs may also be viewed and downloaded from the author instance Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Log Files page at <PUBLISH_DOMAIN>/system/console/status-slinglogs.

Connector log file as seen in the Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Log Files page

In addition to error reporting, the Coveo connector log files let you distinguish publishing-related indexing events (that is, com.coveo.aem.handlers.CoveoResourceChangeListener class) from workflow-related indexing events (that is, com.coveo.aem.workflows.CoveoReindexWorkflow and com.coveo.aem.workflows.CoveoRebuildWorkflow classes).

Log file sample content

Minimum Log Level

The default minimum level of logs in Adobe Experience Manager is info. You may determine that this level isn’t strict enough for the connector logs and want to reduce some noise by raising the minimum log level. Conversely, if you notice an issue with the connector, you may want to decrease the minimum log level to record debug logs, for a more comprehensive description of connector activities.

To change the Log Level of the connector logs

  1. Open the Adobe Experience Manager <PUBLISH_DOMAIN>/system/console/slinglog page.

  2. Locate the logs\coveo-connector.log row and, in the Configuration column, click Adobe Experience Manager Component Configure icon.

  3. Select the minimum log level you want.

    Setting log level for Coveo connector in Adobe Experience Manager
    Figure 1. Decreasing the minimum log level to DEBUG for a finer description of connector activities
  4. In the Configuration column, click Save.