New Coveo for Adobe features
New Coveo for Adobe features
Coveo ended support for the Coveo Hosted Search Page package in February 2023. This package should no longer be used. For recipes on how to index Adobe Experience Manager content and add search interfaces in your AEM websites, see Coveo for Adobe. |
Coveo for Adobe developers are constantly looking for ways to make the integrations more powerful and simpler to use. This article presents the main new features and enhancements added to the Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector and Coveo Hosted Search Page packages.
Adobe Experience Manager users may also benefit indirectly when new Coveo Platform and Coveo JavaScript Search Framework features are released. You should also follow our New Coveo Platform features and JavaScript Search Framework Release Notes articles. |
February 28, 2022
New Configuration UI
You no longer need to navigate away from the Adobe Experience Manager user interface to configure the Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector. Coveo now provides its configuration panel within the Adobe Experience Manager Tools menu.
Though you’ll need to reconfigure your Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector if you’re upgrading, the new UI will prove simpler and more intuitive in the long run.
Multi-Source and Root Path Support
Index only what you need, where you need it! Coveo lets you configure multiple sources, each with its own list of root paths.
Automatic Source Creation
If they don’t already exist, the sources you define in the new Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector configuration panel are automatically created in your Coveo organization when an indexing action is triggered.
One thing less to worry about!
Automatic Field Creation
Coveo continues to streamline the Coveo for Adobe implementation process, this time by creating fields for core Adobe Experience Manager document properties in the background.
September 24, 2021
Index Adobe Experience Manager Content Natively!
Welcome painless content indexing! The new Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector makes indexing Adobe Experience Manager content a breeze, right from your Adobe Experience Manager Author instance.
Index on publish, perform a rebuild, or target a specific part of the JCR. The Coveo Adobe Experience Manager Connector does it all, and it’s lightning fast. Request it now!
April 26, 2021
The Coveo Hosted Search Page Beta Package is Here!
Coveo now provides a package you can install in the Adobe Experience Manager CRX Package Manager. This package contains the Coveo Hosted Search Page component which retrieves the code of a Coveo organization hosted search page and seamlessly injects it in an Adobe Experience Manager web page.