Google Drive for Work source JSON modification

Many source configuration parameters can be set through the user interface. Others, such as rarely used parameters or new parameters that aren’t yet editable through the user interface, can only be configured in the source JSON configuration.

This article explains how to configure Google Drive for Work source parameters, whether they’re already listed in the JSON or not.

Configuring listed and unlisted parameters

Changing a parameter value in the source JSON configuration | Coveo

If the parameter you want to change is already listed in the parameters section of the source JSON configuration, just modify its value in the JSON configuration.

If the parameter isn’t listed in the parameters section, copy the entire parameter example object from the Reference section below and paste it into the parameters section of the source JSON configuration. Then, modify the value in the JSON configuration, if necessary.


If a parameter has a value attribute that contains sensitive information, set the sensitive attribute to true. Otherwise, the value will appear in clear text in the JSON configuration.


Document the changes you make to the source JSON configuration in the Change notes area below the JSON configuration. This ensures that you can easily revert to a previous configuration if needed.


This section provides information on the Google Drive for Work source parameters that you can only modify through the JSON configuration.

If a JSON configuration parameter isn’t documented in this article, configure it through the user interface instead.

ForceIndexSharedDrivesNotManagedByUser (Boolean)

Specifies whether to force the indexing of files from Shared drives where the user isn’t the drive manager. Setting the value to true can lead to duplicate items if multiple users can view a given shared drive.

The default value is false.

"ForceIndexSharedDrivesNotManagedByUser": {
  "sensitive": false,
  "value": "false"

IndexGoogleAppsDocThumbnails (Boolean)

Specifies whether to download and index the thumbnail of a Google Apps document.

The default value is false.

"IndexGoogleAppsDocThumbnails": {
  "sensitive": false,
  "value": "false"

IndexNativeDocThumbnails (Boolean)

Specifies whether to download and index the thumbnail of a native document.

The default value is false.

"IndexNativeDocThumbnails": {
  "sensitive": false,
  "value": "false"

OnlyIndexFilesSharedToDomainAndSearchable (Boolean)

Specifies whether to index only the files shared to the current domain where the search availability is enabled on the link.

Default value is false.

"OnlyIndexFilesSharedToDomainAndSearchable": {
  "sensitive": false,
  "value": "false"

OnlyIndexFilesWithAllowFileDiscoveryPermission (Boolean)

Specifies whether to index only shared files where the search availability is enabled on the link.

Default value is false.

"OnlyIndexFilesWithAllowFileDiscoveryPermission": {
  "sensitive": false,
  "value": "false"

ResultsPerPage (Integer)

The number of results per page when fetching Google Drive resources.

The number must be between 1 and 1001. The default value is 100.

"ResultsPerPage": {
  "sensitive": false,
  "value": "100"

TimeoutTimeMs (Integer)

The maximum time (in milliseconds) a Google Drive request can take before returning a successful response.

The default value is 300000 (5 minutes).

"TimeoutTimeMs": {
  "sensitive": false,
  "value": "300000"

UseFolderLinksInMyDrive (Boolean)

Specifies whether to use folder links that open directly in My Drive.

The default value is true.

"UseFolderLinksInMyDrive": {
  "sensitive": false,
  "value": "false"