Coveo for Commerce (legacy entitlements)

This is for:

System Administrator

The article lists product entitlements that were effective before March 25, 2021.

See Coveo for Commerce (Entitlements) for the most recent ones.

This article presents the index item storage limit associated with the Coveo for Commerce solution.

The storage allocation for a Coveo for Commerce customer is limited to a certain number of index items per Coveo production organization. An item is an element of content in the Coveo index such as a document, an email, an HTML page, or a database record.

Each customer is allocated items in their catalog based on the number specified in purchase order and the information in the following table.

Allocation type Item allocation per Coveo for Commerce edition
Unified Digital
Included 35 K per unit 100 K per unit
Additional Minimum increments 100 K