Get Started With Coveo-Powered Search Pages

Most Coveo Atomic pages are fundamentally very similar. They typically consist in a search bar, a result list, and some facets. This page summarizes the features you can leverage and how you can get the most out of your Coveo-powered search page.

Where to Start?

A typical Coveo-powered search page

1 Enter keywords in the box, and click the search button or select Enter to get results. [Learn more]
2 Review your search results. [Learn more]
3 Use the facets to refine your results. [Learn more]

A typical Coveo-powered search page

1 Enter keywords representing the desired content. [Learn more]
2 Click the magnifying glass button or select Enter to launch the search.

Query Syntax Overview

The following table summarizes the various ways you can make more precise queries. The query syntax is especially useful when you want to leverage the metadata that the Coveo Platform makes searchable. For more information, see Query syntax and Search Prefixes and Operators.

Example Items returned
+work Items in which work appears. Items in which work doesn't appear, but that contain words sharing the same stem, such as workload, working, and workforce aren't returned in the search results. [Learn more]
"one flew over the cuckoo's nest" Items containing this exact phrase. [Learn more]



Emails of which the from field contains alice and the to field contains john. [Learn more]


@title="annual report"

Items for which the author and title fields match the specified content. [Learn more]
@date>today-7d Items for which the date in the date field is more recent than the date calculated from the today-7d expression, that is, seven days ago. [Learn more]
(report OR status) NEAR:10 financial Items containing the keywords matching the logic specified by the operators (AND, OR, NOT, NEAR) and optionally parenthesis, that is, items in which report or status appears within 10 words of the word financial. [Learn more]
gr?y color Items containing either gray or grey, as ? acts as a wildcard. [Learn more]

Search Results

1 Number of results on the current page and in total.
2 Facet values selected.
3 Click Clear to reset all facet selections.
4 Click Relevance or Most recent (from the drop-down menu) to change the search result sorting.

Features Around the Search Results

Search Result Templates

Each search interface includes several search result templates that are each optimized to show the most significant metadata of a given type of item. The following example shows a YouTube video search result.

Parts of a Facet

1 Item type tag.
2 Icon for YouTube items.
3 Video title.
4 Video description excerpt.
5 YouTube video. [metadata]

Search result Quick view

Clicking Quick view

1 Click the Quick view button for a search result you want to review.
2 Click the title to open the item in its native application.