Product rank analysis export

This is for:


In this article, we’ll introduce you to our product rank analysis export and how you can use it to get an insight into how your products are performing.

Reporting detail

As with all Qubit exports, you can specify the level of reporting detail to get a much greater understanding of reportables and focus on the details you are really interested in.

For this export, you can select:

  • A date range to include only data covering a defined period of time

  • Exclusion dates to exclude particular days or a period of time from the data

  • Dimensions which allow you to decide how to break down the data

  • Metrics that allow you to choose which metrics to include in the data


The export outputs the top performing 20% of your products for the selected time period and for the selected metrics. Performance is sorted by metric in the following order of importance, Spend, Quantity, Views, Adds To Basket.

  • Spend: The total amount spent on a product. The currency units are the base unit for your property

  • Views: The number of product views

  • Quantity: The number of product units sold

  • Adds to Basket: The number of times the product is added to a basket.

Alongside each selected metric, the export outputs the performance trend, up or down. The trend refers to the rate at which the metric is increasing not the metric itself. The trend calculations require several weeks’ of data to be accurate.

The name for each product is taken from its Often, multiple product Ids and product SKUs are associated with a single product name. A list of the product Ids and SKUs associated with each product name can be returned by selecting the Product ID dimension.

Dimensions, metrics, and output


Name Description Output

Product ID

Returns a list of product Ids and product SKUs matching the product name

productIdList, productSkuList


Name Description Output


Returns the total amount spent on the product

spend, spendTrend


Returns the number of product units sold

quantity, quantityTrend


Returns the number of product views

views, viewsTrend

Adds to Basket

Returns the number of times the product is added to a basket

addsToBasket, addsToBasketTrend


Additional fields not included in the dimensions and metrics table above:

Field Description


The product name


A list of product Ids associated with the product


A list of product SKUs associated with the product


The total amount spent on the product


Indicates whether the spend trend is up or down


The number of units sold


Indicates whether the quantity trend is up or down


The number of product views


Indicates whether the views trend is up or down


The number of times the product was added to a basket


Indicates whether the addsToBasket trend is up or down