Configure a search interface for Smart Snippets

To leverage Coveo ML Smart Snippets in your search interface, ensure that the interface incorporates the required features to render the model’s output, depending on the framework:

Coveo Atomic

If your interface uses the Coveo Atomic library, the interface must include the atomic-smart-snippet component. The atomic-smart-snippet-suggestions component is also available for use with Smart Snippets.


Smart Snippets are optimally presented at the top of search results. Therefore, we recommend placing the atomic-smart-snippet and atomic-smart-snippet-suggestions components at the top of the results section in a search interface markup as follows:

// ...
<atomic-layout-section section="results">
// ...

Coveo Quantic

If your Coveo for Salesforce interface uses the Quantic library, the interface must include the QuanticSmartSnippet component. The QuanticSmartSnippetSuggestions component is also available for use with Smart Snippets.

Coveo Headless

If your interface uses the Coveo Headless library, the interface must use the SmartSnippet and SmartSnippetQuestionsList controllers. The QuestionAnsweringActions are also available for use with Smart Snippets.

JavaScript Search Framework