Log case assist events
Log case assist events
This article lays out the different actions involved in the Case Assist workflow and which usage analytics events to log for each of them.
In the Coveo for Salesforce environment, we recommend that you use the Coveo Quantic Case Assist components, which can simplify your implementation by logging UA events for you. Outside of the Salesforce environment, we recommend that you use the dedicated Coveo Headless Case Assist controllers, which can simplify your implementation by logging UA events and wrapping Customer Service API calls for you. |
You need to log each user interaction with your Case Assist interface. At each one, specify the action and as much ticket information as possible. In some events, certain action and ticket information is required. The following summary table lists the action type for each event and, when required, the necessary action and ticket payload parameters, as well as a link to the corresponding implementation guidelines.
Event | Action type | Required action payload parameters | Required ticket payload parameters |
You should use the Coveo UA library to log these events.
Use the Coveo UA library
The Coveo UA library exposes methods that let you log Case Assist events to the Coveo UA service. Once you’ve initialized the library, you can log Case Assists events by registering the Case Assist action, registering the ticket state, and sending the event.
A user selects a case classification suggestion.
You tag the action as a ticket_classification_click
and set the classificationId
, responseId
, fieldName
, and classification
parameters in the action payload.
coveoua("svc:setAction", "ticket_classification_click", {
classificationId: "sd8cn3d8-d9n3-s7cb-4knd-d9cnal3njd8c",
responseId: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
fieldName: "category",
classification: {
value: "Electrical",
confidence: 0.76
You also set the updated ticket data.
coveoua("svc:setTicket", {
subject: "GC110 malfunction",
description: "My GC110 electrical panel is cutting off intermittently",
category: "Electrical",
custom: {
visitorAge: 18,
rewardsMember: true
Finally, you send the event.
coveoua('send', 'event', 'svc', 'click', {'searchHub': 'case_assist_interface'});
(Prerequisite) Initialize the library
To be able to invoke the Coveo UA library, include the following
tag in the target page.
a='coveoua';c[a]=c[a]||function(){(c[a].q=c[a].q|| []).push(arguments)};
coveoua('init', '<COVEO_API_KEY>', 'https://<ORG_ID>.analytics.org.coveo.com');
Where you replace:
with an API Key that was created using the Authenticated search template or a search token that has the Push access level on the Analytics Data domain and the Allowed access level on the Impersonate domain. -
with the unique identifier of your Coveo organization. This optional argument lets you leverage your organization analytics endpoint. For a HIPAA organization, you would usehttps://<ORG_ID>.analytics.orghipaa.coveo.com
1: Register a Case Assist action
To set the action, use the coveoua('svc:setAction', <ACTION>, <BODY>)
coveoua('svc:setAction', 'ticket_classification_click', {
classificationId: "d8cn3d8-d9n3-s7cb-4knd-d9cnal3njd8c",
responseId: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
fieldName: "category",
classification: {
value: "Electrical",
confidence: 0.76
2: Register a ticket
To set the ticket content, use the coveoua('svc:setTicket', <BODY>)
coveoua('svc:setTicket', {
subject: "GC110 malfunction",
description: "My GC110 electrical panel is cutting off intermittently",
category: "Electrical",
custom: {
visitorAge: 18,
rewardsMember: true
3: Send an event
To send an event, use the coveoua('send', 'event', 'svc', <TYPE>, {'searchHub': <SEARCH_HUB>})
command, where:
can be either of the following:-
: Used when the user enters your Case Assist interface. -
: Used when the user interacts within your Case Assist interface.
(optional) indicates the name or identifier of the Case Assist interface from which the event originates. When specified, this parameter populates theoriginLevel1
metadata of the resulting UA event.NoteAs a best practice, we recommend specifying the
You don’t need to worry about the other three parameters (send
, event
, and svc
), as they don’t change in the context of Case Assist.
coveoua('send', 'event', 'svc', 'click', {'searchHub': 'case_assist_interface'});
Case Assist events
You should log every user interaction in the Case Assist workflow. For each one, you must specify the action and you should specify as much ticket information as possible. In some events, specific action and ticket information is required.
To log a Case Assist event, the Coveo UA library checks the browser’s local storage for a client ID. If there’s no client ID in local storage, it creates one. To optimize UA reporting, it’s important that all your sources of UA events use the same client ID value. For information on how to manage client IDs, see Integrate a Coveo ClientIdAccessor Lightning component. |
Enter the interface
When the user enters your Case Assist interface, register a ticket_create_start
If you already have some information on the ticket, provide it in the ticket payload.
coveoua("svc:setAction", "ticket_create_start");
coveoua("svc:setTicket", {
custom: {
"visitorAge": 18,
"rewardsMember": true
coveoua("send", "event", "svc", "flowStart", {"searchHub": "case_assist_interface"});
Fill a field
If the user fills a field, register a ticket_field_update
action and specify the updated ticket information in the ticket payload.
coveoua("svc:setAction", "ticket_field_update", {
fieldName: "category"
coveoua("svc:setTicket", {
category: "Electrical",
custom: {
"visitorAge": 18,
"rewardsMember": true
coveoua("send", "event", "svc", "click", {"searchHub": "case_assist_interface"});
Rate a document suggestion
If the user rates a document suggestion, register a suggestion_rate
action and provide all available ticket information in the ticket payload.
coveoua("svc:setAction", "suggestion_rate", {
rate: 0.75,
suggestionId: "0064770b2e4788f42dfd277b384c6e24cef82b04",
responseId: "7d8f0s7d-8fhd-3jdh-897f-d79skdnf7g3l",
suggestion: {
documentUriHash: "gizDGrXcVñbV7mñy",
documentTitle: "GC3000 Series Propane Generator Ignition",
documentUrl: "http://www.salesforce.com/org:organization/object:Solution/record:5013h000000tPmnAAE",
documentPosition: 1
coveoua("svc:setTicket", {
category: "Electrical",
custom: {
"visitorAge": 18,
"rewardsMember": true
coveoua("send", "event", "svc", "click", {"searchHub": "case_assist_interface"});
Select a case classification
If the user selects a case classification that you provided, register a ticket_classification_click
action and specify the updated ticket information in the ticket payload.
coveoua("svc:setAction", "ticket_classification_click", {
classificationId: "d8cn3d8-d9n3-s7cb-4knd-d9cnal3njd8c",
responseId: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
fieldName: "category",
classification: {
value: "Electrical",
confidence: 0.76
coveoua("svc:setTicket", {
subject: "GC110 malfunction",
description: "My GC110 electrical panel is cutting off intermittently",
category: "Electrical",
custom: {
visitorAge: 18,
rewardsMember: true
coveoua("send", "event", "svc", "click", {"searchHub": "case_assist_interface"});
Select a document suggestion
If the user selects a document suggestion that you provided, register a suggestion_click
Provide all available ticket information in the ticket payload.
coveoua("svc:setAction", "suggestion_click", {
suggestionId: "929332b2e4788f42dfd277b384c6e24cef82b73",
responseId: "7d8f0s7d-8fhd-3jdh-897f-d79skdnf7g3l",
suggestion: {
documentUriHash: "gizDGrXcVñbV7mñy",
documentTitle: "GC3000 Series Propane Generator Ignition",
documentUrl: "http://www.salesforce.com/org:organization/object:Solution/record:5013h000000tPmnAAE",
documentPosition: 1
coveoua("svc:setTicket", {
subject: "GC110 malfunction",
description: "My GC110 electrical panel is cutting off intermittently",
category: "Electrical",
custom: {
visitorAge: 18,
rewardsMember: true
coveoua("send", "event", "svc", "click", {"searchHub": "case_assist_interface"});
Move to the next step
If the user moves to the next page of your case creation flow, register a ticket_next_stage
action and specify all available ticket information in the ticket payload.
coveoua("svc:setAction", "ticket_next_stage");
coveoua("svc:setTicket", {
category: "Electrical",
custom: {
"visitorAge": 18,
"rewardsMember": true
coveoua("send", "event", "svc", "click", {"searchHub": "case_assist_interface"});
Cancel a ticket
If the user cancels their ticket creation, register a ticket_cancel
Provide all available ticket information in the ticket payload.
coveoua("svc:setAction", "ticket_cancel", {
reason: "Solved"
coveoua("svc:setTicket", {
subject: "GC110 malfunction",
description: "My GC110 electrical panel is cutting off intermittently",
category: "Electrical",
custom: {
visitorAge: 18,
rewardsMember: true
coveoua("send", "event", "svc", "click", {"searchHub": "case_assist_interface"});
Submit a ticket
If the user creates a ticket, register a ticket_create
action and specify all available ticket information in the ticket payload.
In particular, specify the id
in the ticket payload.
coveoua("svc:setAction", "ticket_create");
coveoua("svc:setTicket", {
subject: "GC110 malfunction",
description: "My GC110 electrical panel is cutting off intermittently",
category: "Electrical",
id: "5003000000D8cuI",
custom: {
visitorAge: 18,
rewardsMember: true
coveoua("send", "event", "svc", "click", {"searchHub": "case_assist_interface"});
Case Assist actions reference
When the user fills a field.
(String, Required)The name of the field updated by the user.
When the user rates a document suggestion you provide.
(Float between0
, Required)The rating of the document suggestion, where
means terrible and1
means perfect. -
(String, Required)The permanent identifier (
in the Service API response) of the rated document. -
(String, Required)The unique identifier (
in the Service API response) of the document suggestion response. -
(Object, Required)The object describing the selected suggestion. It contains the following parameters:
(String, Required)The hashed URI of the selected document.
(String, Required)The URL of the selected document.
(String, Required)The title of the selected document.
(Integer greater than or equal to1
, Required)The 1-based position of the selected document in the array of suggested documents.
When the user selects a case classification.
(String, Required)The unique identifier (
in the Service API response) of the selected case classification suggestion. -
(String, Required)The unique identifier (
in the Service API response) of the case classification response. -
(String, Required)The name of the field for which the user selected a classification.
(Object, Required)The object which describes the selected classification suggestion. If provided, this object must contain the following parameters:
(String, Required)The field value of the selected classification suggestion.
(Float between0
, Required)The
value of the selected classification suggestion.
When the user selects a document suggestion.
(String, Required)The permanent identifier (
in the Service API response) of the selected document. -
(String, Required)The unique identifier (
in the Service API response) of the document suggestion response. -
(Object - Required)The object describing the selected suggestion. It contains the following parameters:
(String, Required)The hashed URI of the selected document.
(String, Required)The URL of the selected document.
(String, Required)The title of the selected document.
(Integer greater or equal to1
, Required)The 1-based position of the selected document in the array of suggested documents.
Ticket payload reference
What’s next?
For information on how to manage client IDs, see Integrate a Coveo ClientIdAccessor Lightning component.
For information on how to generate a Case Assist dashboard based on the standard Case Assist events, see Generate Case Assist reports.