Push data to Coveo (SAP Commerce Cloud 2005 or earlier)

This article explains how to push data from an SAP Commerce Cloud (version 2005 or earlier) to a Coveo organization.

Step 1: Create a source in your Coveo organization

To fetch SAP content in a push implementation, we recommend using a Catalog source. See Add a Catalog source.

Step 2: Create an SAP extension

You need to create an SAP extension within which you’ll implement Coveo indexation logic. Refer to the SAP documentation to learn how to create a new extension in your SAP project.

Step 3: Create a Coveo Solr server mode

To push documents to Coveo, you need to add a new Solr Server Mode and switch to it.

To create a new mode

  1. In your project directory, go to the extension directory, for example, coveocore.

  2. From the resources directory, open the xxxxx-items.xml file, for example, coveocore-items.xml.

  3. In the SolrServerModes enum, add the coveo value like shown in the example below:

      <enumtype generate="true" code="SolrServerModes" autocreate="false">
        <value code="coveo" />

Step 4: Make the Coveo Solr server mode available in the Administration Cockpit

To make a newly created Coveo Solr server mode available in the UI, you need to update the SolrServerMode enum.

  1. In your extension directory, go to the resources directory.

  2. Open the xxxxx-beans.xml file, for example, coveocore-beans.xml.

  3. Add a new server mode, Coveo.

    <enum class="de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.config.SolrServerMode">
      <!-- other values -->
  4. In your extension directory, open the extensioninfo.xml file.

  5. Add the solrfacetsearch extension.

    <requires-extension name="solrfacetsearch"/>

Step 5: Specify the Coveo Solr server mode

To activate the newly created Solr server mode

  1. In the Administration Cockpit, go to the System → Search and Navigation → Solr Facet Search Configuration → Facet Search Configurations.

  2. In the list of configurations, double-click the required configuration.

  3. In the Search and Index Configuration section, double-click the Solr server configuration value.

  4. In the Mode dropdown menu, select coveo.

  5. Click Save at the top of the modal window.

steps to change the solr server mode in the SAP Commerce Administration Cockpit

Step 6: Create a search provider

  1. In your extension directory, go to the resources directory.

  2. Open the xxxxx-spring.xml file, for example, coveocore-spring.xml.

  3. Add a new search provider, coveoSearchProviderFactory.

    <alias name="coveoSearchProviderFactory" alias="solrSearchProviderFactory" />
    <bean id="coveoSearchProviderFactory"
          class="com.coveo.service.impl.CoveoSearchProviderFactory" parent="defaultSolrSearchProviderFactory">
      <property name="solrStandaloneSearchProvider" ref="solrStandaloneSearchProvider" />
      <property name="solrCloudSearchProvider" ref="solrCloudSearchProvider" />
      <property name="xmlExportSearchProvider" ref="xmlExportSearchProvider" />
  4. In your extension directory, go the src/com/coveo/service/impl directory.

  5. Create a CoveoSearchProviderFactory.java file with the following code:

    import de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.config.FacetSearchConfig;
    import de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.config.IndexedType;
    import de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.config.SolrServerMode;
    import de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.solr.SolrSearchProvider;
    import de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.solr.exceptions.SolrServiceException;
    import de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.solr.impl.DefaultSolrSearchProviderFactory;
    public class CoveoSearchProviderFactory extends DefaultSolrSearchProviderFactory {
        public SolrSearchProvider getSearchProvider(FacetSearchConfig facetSearchConfig, IndexedType indexedType) throws SolrServiceException {
            SolrServerMode mode = facetSearchConfig.getSolrConfig().getMode();
                return getXmlExportSearchProvider();
            return super.getSearchProvider(facetSearchConfig, indexedType);

Step 7: Create the exporter class

The new exporter class should allow SAP Commerce to:

To add a new exporter class, perform the following steps.

  1. In your extension directory, open the external-dependencies.xml file.

  2. Add a Java client library as a dependency


    To activate dependency management, make sure your project meets the following requirements:

    • Apache Maven is installed

    • the usemaven="true" directive is present in the extensioninfo.xml file, for example:

      <extension abstractclassprefix="Generated" classprefix="CoveoCore" name="coveocore" usemaven="true">
  3. In your extension directory, go to the resources directory.

  4. Open the xxxxx-spring.xml file, for example, coveocore-spring.xml.

  5. Add a new exporter class

    <bean id="solr.exporter.coveo" class="com.coveo.service.impl.CoveoExporter" />
  6. In your extension directory, go to the src/com/coveo/service/impl directory.

  7. Create a CoveoExporter.java file. Use the following code as a starting template; the actual implementation would depend on your particular project and configuration.

    import de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.indexer.exceptions.ExporterException;
    import de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.indexer.spi.Exporter;
    public class CoveoExporter implements Exporter {
        private static final Gson gson = new Gson();
        public void exportToUpdateIndex(Collection<SolrInputDocument> collection, FacetSearchConfig facetSearchConfig, IndexedType indexedType) throws ExporterException {
            Configuration configuration = getConfiguration("configuration.json");
            PlatformUrl platformUrl = new PlatformUrlBuilder().withEnvironment(Environment.PRODUCTION).withRegion(Region.US).build();
            CatalogSource catalogSource = CatalogSource.fromPlatformUrl("my_api_key","my_org_id","my_source_id", platformUrl);
            // Using the Stream Service will act as a source rebuild, therefore any currently indexed items not contained in the payload will be deleted.
            StreamService streamService = new StreamService(catalogSource);
            try {
                collection.stream().forEach(solrInputDoc ->{
                    // This method needs to convert the Solr document into the Coveo document.
                    // The conversion depends on your implementation and structure of your Solr documents.
                    // In simplified manner, the converted document may be created like this:
                    CoveoDoc = convert(SolrInputDoc);
                    // After conversion, open a stream for uploading the converted document to your Coveo organization.
                // Close the stream.
            } catch (Exception e) {