Event Protocol with Atomic

This is for:


Event Protocol is currently in open beta. If you’re interested in using Event Protocol, reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

Since the Atomic V3 release, Event Protocol is the default tracking protocol.


Only Coveo for Commerce supports EP at the moment. For every other kind of implementation, set analyticsMode to legacy for the time being.

const searchInterface = document.querySelector('atomic-search-interface');

await searchInterface.initialize({
    // ...
    analytics: {analyticsMode: 'legacy'},
// ...

To learn more about whether you should migrate to EP, see Migrate to Event Protocol.

Log events

EP is simpler to use and more streamlined than the legacy Coveo UA protocol. EP doesn’t support custom events, custom data, or custom context. Search events are sent server-side, so you don’t need to log them client-side. Atomic components, when used correctly, also log click events for you.

As a result, you generally won’t need to tinker with search or click events yourself.


We strongly recommend using the InteractiveResult controller if you need to send extra click events. The controller can automatically extract relevant data from result items and log click events for you, as in the following custom Atomic component example.

<script type="module">
import { initializeBindings, resultContext } from "https://static.cloud.coveo.com/atomic/v2/index.esm.js";
import { buildInteractiveResult} from 'https://static.cloud.coveo.com/atomic/v2/headless/headless.esm.js';

class DocumentAuthor extends HTMLElement {
  initialized = false;

  async connectedCallback() {
    if (this.initialized) {

    this.initialized = true;
    this.shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });

    try {
      this.result = await resultContext(this); 1
      this.bindings = await initializeBindings(this);
      this.interactiveResult = buildInteractiveResult(this.bindings.engine, { 2
        options: { result: this.result }
    } catch (error) {

  render() {
    const author = this.result.raw["author"] || "anonymous";
    this.shadow.innerHTML = `<button>Written by: <b>${author}</b></button>`;
    this.shadow.querySelector('button').onclick = () => this.interactiveResult.select(); 3

window.customElements.define("document-author", DocumentAuthor);
<!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->
      <atomic-field-condition class="field" if-defined="author">
        <document-author></document-author> 4
<!-- ... -->
1 Retrieve the active result item.
2 Use the buildInteractiveResult function to initialize an InteractiveResult controller.
3 Let the InteractiveResult controller handle click events for you.
4 Use your custom component in the target result template.

For the purpose of using content recommendations models however, you must log view events. Atomic components or Headless controllers won’t log view events for you. Use the Relay library.

Disable and Enable Analytics

Coveo UA uses the coveo_visitorId cookie to track individual users and sessions. When implementing a cookie policy, you may need to disable UA tracking for users under specific circumstances (for example, when a user opts out of functionality cookies).

To do so, you can use the analytics property of the atomic-search-interface.

To re-enable UA tracking, you can set this property to true.

<atomic-search-interface analytics="false">


const searchInterface = document.querySelector('atomic-search-interface');
// ... init and later on
searchInterface.analytics = false;

doNotTrack property

doNotTrack is a browser property which reflects the value of the DNT HTTP header. It’s used to indicate whether the user is requesting sites and advertisers not to track them.


This property is deprecated, but it’s still supported in many browsers.

Atomic v2 complies with the value of this property. It automatically disables analytics tracking whenever DNT is enabled.


Atomic v3 will no longer support this property.

To understand how Coveo Usage Analytics tracks users and sessions, see What’s a user visit?.