Coveo for Sitecore Legacy Search UI Framework - Facet Component Properties

Coveo for Sitecore (November 2018)

This article describes properties that are available on the facet component.

Property Description Default value Additional details
Basic settings
Title Specifies the title displayed at the top of the facet.
Field Specifies the field whose values will be displayed in the facet. Mandatory field.
Number of Values Specifies the maximum number of values that will be displayed by default in the facet. 5
Sort Specifies the criterion used to sort facet values. Occurrences

Coveo for Sitecore (July 2016)

Results Scope

Ignore accents in facet search Specifies if the facet search ignores accents. Disabled
Coveo for Sitecore (September 2016) Allowed facet values Specifies an explicit list of allowed facet values.

Separate each value with a comma (,).

Coveo for Sitecore (January 2017) Facet value caption Specifies a mapping of facet values to the desired caption.

The option was available in the July 2016 release but was not functioning properly until it was fixed in January 2017.

Enable collapse button Specifies if the facet is collapsible. Enabled
Enable settings button Specifies if the settings button is enabled. Enabled
Sort criteria displayed in the settings menu Specifies the criteria you want to be displayed in the facet settings menu. Occurrences , Score , Alphabetically (ascending) , Alphabetically (descending)
Icon Specifies the facet icon that's displayed next to the title. The icon must be in the media library.
Enable search for the facet Specifies if the search box for searching inside the available values will be displayed at the bottom of the facet. Enabled
Number of values to display in the facet search results Specifies the number of values displayed in the facet search results popup. 15
Enable more/less button Specifies if the more/less button is enabled. Enabled
Number of additional facet values to fetch when 'More' is clicked Specifies the number of additional facet values to fetch when the 'More' button is clicked. 10
Include facet values in the omnibox Specifies if the facet should push data to the OmniBox Component. Enabled
Include facet values in the breadcrumb Specifies if selected facet values should be displayed in the breadcrumb. Enabled
Maximum number of facet values displayed in the breadcrumb Specifies the maximum number of values that the facet should display in the breadcrumb. 5
Computed field
Computed field Specifies the name of a field on which an aggregate operation should be executed for all distinct values of the facet's field. The result of the operation is displayed along with the number of occurrences for each value.
Computed field operation Specifies the type of aggregate operation to use on the computed field. sum

The available values are:

  • sum: Computes the sum of the computed field values.
  • average: Computes the average of the computed field values.
  • minimum: Finds the minimum value of the computed field values.
  • maximum: Finds the maximum value of the computed field values.
Computed field format Specifies how to format the values resulting from a computed field operation.

The formats available are defined by the Globalize.js library. The most common used formats are:

  • c0: Formats the value as a currency.
  • n0: Formats the value as an integer.
  • n2: Formats the value as a floating point with 2 decimal digits.

More information can be obtained in the library's documentation (see Globalize.format on GitHub).

Computed field caption Specifies the computed field's caption in the settings menu. For example, the value Money will be displayed as Money Ascending for computed field ascending. Computed Field
Advanced settings

Coveo for Sitecore (March 2017)

Lookup field

Gets the field used to display the facet values. If the lookup field isn't defined, the facet values will be displayed using the FacetField field.
Is multi-value field Specifies if the facet has many values. Disabled
Facet uses the AND operator

Whether or not the facet uses the AND operator instead of the OR operator to combine selected values.


When using the AND operator, an item will return if it matches all selected facet values at the same time. On the other hand, with the OR operator, an item will return when it matches at least one of the selected facet values.

Allows user to select the facet operator

Whether or not the user can select the facet operator.


When using the AND operator, an item will return if it matches all selected facet values at the same time. On the other hand, with the OR operator, an item will return when it matches at least one of the selected facet values.

Show an icon next to the facet values Specifies whether an icon is displayed next to each facet value. Enabled
Facet accuracy determined by the number of scanned results The facet accuracy selection sets the injection depth, the number of search results that are scanned to find possible facet values. Selections from Less Precise (Fast) to Exact (Slowest) progressively increase the number of scanned results, ensuring more possible facet values are found, at the cost of performance. Less Precise (Fast)

The available options are:

Less Precise (Fast)
Precise (Slower)
More Precise (Slower)
Exact (Slowest)

Coveo for Sitecore (July 2016)

Enable Save Facet State option in Settings menu

Specifies whether the save state option is available in the facet settings menu. Disabled

Coveo for Sitecore (July 2016)

Preserve facet position under mouse on new facet query

Specifies whether the facet should remain stable in its current position in the viewport as long as the mouse is over it. Enabled
Placeholder Calls the appropriate container for the component you want to add. /coveo-search/coveo-facets When using the Experience Editor, this field is automatically filled with the correct container.
Data Source Specifies the source of the data used to populate the component with specific data.
Coveo for Sitecore (June 2016) Unique identifier Specifies an optional unique identifier for a facet. For example, this identifier will be used to save the facet state in the URL hash. If this field isn't specified, the field name will be used as the unique identifier. GenerateNewUniqueId
Whether to make the component cacheable.
All Disabled
Available options for this parameter are:


Additional Parameters Allows passing custom parameters to a Coveo component. These custom parameters must be specified in the Coveo Search Component sublayout (see Adding Custom Parameters with the Additional Parameters Field).