Insight Panel components
Insight Panel components
We recommend using the packaged Coveo Quantic Insight Panel component when implementing an Insight Panel. It’s built using the following components and greatly simplifies your implementation.
- AriaLive
- BreadcrumbManager
- CategoryFacet
- CategoryFacetValue
- DidYouMean
- Facet
- FacetManager
- FacetValue
- InsightInterface
- Modal
- ModalA11yHandler
- NoResults
- NumericFacet
- Pager
- QueryError
- RefineModalContent
- RefineToggle
- Result
- ResultAction
- ResultActionBar
- ResultList
- ResultsPerPage
- SearchBox
- SearchBoxSuggestionsList
- Sort
- Summary
- Tab
- TabBar
- Timeframe
- TimeframeFacet