
In this article

Indexing content is the first step in implementing any Coveo-powered search and relevance solution. During this process, your Optimizely content types are translated into Coveo items that are stored in a source within your Coveo organization. Coveo offers several generic connectors to facilitate this process: Web, Sitemap, and GraphQL.


Web: This connector is best suited for generic website content. It uses simple HTTP requests to access public-facing pages.

Sitemap: This connector is ideal for more structured crawling. It adheres to the sitemap protocol to ensure that all listed URLs are indexed effectively.

GraphQL: This connector is the recommended choice if your indexing needs involve complex queries or accessing specifically tailored content within Optimizely. It provides robust querying capabilities, such as filtering specific data or accessing dynamic content types.

Coveo sources

Indexing involves more than just gathering all your content. Having Optimizely metadata indexed to populate Coveo fields enables you to configure powerful search interface controls and display meaningful search results to your users.